Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

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April 2, 2019

April 2019 Rainbow Elders’ Newsletter

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Rainbow Elders' Newsletter-April 2019

For Boulder County's LGBT older adults, their families, and allies


The Boulder County Area Agency on Aging is considering the language represented by the acronym, and wondering if we should include a Q+ on the end to be more inclusive of additional identities outside of just LGBT. Please feel free to take our 3-question survey at to share your thoughts about expanding our program's title to LGBTQ+.


LGBT Support Group for Caregivers caring for those with Alzheimer's or Dementia

The AAA is looking to partner with our local Alzheimer’s Association chapter to offer a caregiving support group to the LGBT community. This support group would be for those who are caregivers—whether in their home, long distance, or for a loved one in a long-term care community—who identify as LGBT, are caring for someone who identifies as LGBT, or allies of the community. Caregiving support groups are a meaningful way to connect with other people who have similar experiences and struggles, and enable those who are “in the trenches” of caregiving to share stories and ideas with one another. Oftentimes those in the LGBT community face different obstacles, and we are hoping to build a community of folks who can share and understand together. If you are interested in participating in such a group, or know someone who may benefit, please contact Michael Chifalo at or 303-441-4518.

coffee klatch

The Conversation Project

Our Coffee Klatch is taking a different shape and form for 2019! Instead of meeting at the same place multiple times per year, we are taking the Klatch on the road with a year-long series of topics with rotating times and locations. Our Spring series kicks off with Advance Care Planning presented by Kim Mooney from The Conversation Project on Thursday, April 18 from 2-3:30 p.m. at The Natural Funeral at 102 W. Chester Street in Lafayette. Please join us for a discussion about power of attorney, proxy and body disposition. For more information, contact Michael Chifalo.


General Training

A three-hour Project Visibility general training will be offered on Wednesday, April 24 from 5-8 p.m. at the Louisville Senior Center, at 900 Via Appia Way in Louisville. The Boulder County Area Agency on Aging's Project Visibility is a dynamic, cultural-sensitivity training that addresses the particular needs and strengths of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) older adults. Award-winning, and one of the first of its kind in the nation, the training features a film that highlights the experiences of local LGBT older adults. Project Visibility offers important information, perspectives, and practical tips for working competently with this often invisible population for all caregivers, and others engaged or interested in the lives of older adults. Free and open to the public, but registration required. To register, email Michael Chifalo at or call 303-441-4518 by Tuesday, April 23. To watch a short video and learn more, visit the Project Visibility website.


Colorado Senior Lobby's

Senior Day at the Capitol


Thursday, April 11

8 a.m - 12:30 p.m.

First Baptist Church

1373 Grant Street

Denver, 80203

Meet legislators, elected officials and the day's sponsors while you learn about what legislation will impact older Coloradans in the coming years. For additional details, click here. If you already bought your ticket for the March 13 event, you will be emailed a reserved ticket. If you haven't purchased tickets yet, click here.

If you cannot make this event, Boulder County Area Agency on Aging is planning a visit with legislators on Thursday, April 18. If you are interested in attending with us, please contact Michael Chifalo at or 303-441-4518.

free mom hugs

Free Mom Hugs Oklahoma is a group of affirming parents and allies who love their LGBTQ+ kids unconditionally and give hugs of love and acceptance to others. They also aid the LGBTQ community in other ways, like providing emergency assistance, help with legal name changes, support at gay weddings, and so much more. To RSVP for the event, click here.


To register for this free conference, please visit


Many Rainbow Elders are aware that a group has taken the first steps to create an intentional living community that will grow over time. The group is excited to announce that the first of five new condominium buildings is complete. One large two-bedroom, accessible condominium is available for rent immediately! Though most in the initial group are age 55+, the intentional living concept is open to all ages. Those in the first building will finish moving in over the next few weeks and once settled will host a gathering for interested people who want to take a look. If you know anyone who may be interested in renting, please share this information and contact Elisabeth Borden at

Supper Club

Thursday, April 11

5:30-7:30 p.m.

Potluck @ Longmont Senior Center

910 Longs Peak Avenue, Longmont

Recurring every 2nd Thursday of each month. Location rotates between Longmont Senior Center and Pinocchio's. Contact Diana Mapes for more information.

Old Lesbians Organizing for Change

Saturday, April 13

noon-3 p.m.

Potluck @ Windsor Gardens

595 S. Clinton Street, Denver

Recurring every 2nd Saturday of each month. Contact Katherine Wood for more information.

Dancin' Divas

Saturday, April 13

7-10:30 p.m.

The Avalon Dance Hall

6185 Arapahoe Avenue, Boulder

Recurring every 2nd Saturday of each month. Contact Susie Pringle for more information.

Coffee Klatch

Thursday, April 18

3-4:30 p.m.

The Natural Funeral

102 W. Chester Street, Lafayette

Coffee Klatch will meet monthly on different days at various times and locations. Contact Michael Chifalo for more information.

Supper Club

Thursday, April 25

5:30-7:30 p.m.

Goodfella's Restaurant

623 Ken Pratt Boulevard, Longmont

Recurring every other month on the 4th Thursday of the month. Contact Michael Chifalo for more information.

To learn more about Boulder County's Area Agency on Aging, the home of our LGBT programs, please visit our web page or our Facebook page.

The LGBT Programs of the BCAAA receive support from:


The Dave Ensign Charitable Foundation and

many individual donors like you.