Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Bidding Opportunity
**The due date for this bidding opportunity has passed**

Subscriber Radio Replacement for the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office

Due Date: 05/03/2024 2:00 pm
Bidding Number: RFP-058-24
Bidding Categories: Sheriff
Other Comments:

Purpose: The aim of this RFP is to equip the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office (BCSO) deputies, staff, and other first responders with cutting-edge Land Mobile Radio (LMR) public safety communication tools and accessories at a cost more favorable to Boulder County taxpayers than current options available through government procurement channels like GSA, Sourcewell, etc., until the end of CY2027. Furthermore, it is intended that any contracts awarded from this Request for Proposal (RFP) be made accessible to other local public safety agencies (including police, fire, and EMS) or public safety partners, enabling them to purchase the same equipment without the need to conduct their own competitive bidding processes. It is anticipated the initial purchase will include 345 radios (215 portables, 135 mobiles) and will occur in Q1 of 2025. Carefully read the entire RFP and requirements to ensure you address all the required information in your bid.

Background: Portable and mobile public safety grade two-way radios are used in regular day-to-day business and emergency operations. Specific to the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office, their staff operates on a county-owned conventional VHF analog and P25 digital system utilizing Motorola MCC7500 radio consoles, the State of Colorado’s Motorola P25 7/800MHz DTRS, the City of Boulder’s EF Johnson P25 Phase II 700MHz DTRS, and the FRCC Motorola P25 Phase II 7/800MHz DTRS, on a blend of encrypted and unencrypted channels and talk paths.

The current fleet radios have exceeded their lifecycle. The BCSO desires to implement a next generation portable and mobile P25-compliant radio fleet leveraging modern technology that allows for expanded connectivity beyond a traditional LMR network, which additionally supports routine maintenance activities. The current BCSO patrol vehicle fleet deploys in-car modems with dual SIM cards to leverage cellular backhaul for internet and data access, which could be leveraged if/as needed, although the entirety of the county is not covered by commercial cellular networks.

Scope: The scope of this RFP includes hardware, software, infrastructure, and professional services for deploying next generation P25 land-mobile radio subscribers. A best-and-final-offer (BAFO) phase is not planned, so each bidder should submit their best and final pricing. By submitting a bid, each bidder agrees to hold their bid pricing through December 31, 2025 (CY2025). As an option, bidders may extend their bid pricing through CY2026 and/or CY2027 and specify a flat percent cost increase year-over-year for the additional optional years to account for inflation. If a bidder elects to extend their bid through CY2026 or CY2027, the cover letter must address the exercise of this option.

Posting Information RFP-058-24