Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available at

Breastfeeding Friendly Child Care
young kids of breastfeeding age at child care

Breastfeeding Friendly Child Care

Become a Breastfeeding Friendly Child Care Provider

Childcare providers can make a big difference in helping a new mother continue breastfeeding when she returns to work. Being breastfeeding-friendly can increase the length of time babies are breastfed, leading to better health for the baby and mom.


  • In-person
  • Interactive: Colorado Shines Professional Information Development (PDIS)
    • Search “breastfeeding” in the Course Catalog. To view the course, you will need to create an account and log in or use your existing login info (you can do this even if you are not a childcare professional). The online training module is for childcare professionals, but it can be useful for anyone interested in gaining more information on breastfeeding in childcare.


Use the Self-Assessment for Breastfeeding Friendly Child Care to measure your practices around breastfeeding.

Contact Us to Get Started

Childcare providers interested in improving their policies and practices can contact:

Sign up for a breastfeeding training

Breastfeeding Friendly Child Care Programs in Boulder County

We are recognizing and promoting childcare centers that prioritize breastfeeding support. To receive the Breastfeeding Friendly designation, centers must:

  • Meet all five criteria
    • Commitment to Breastfeeding: Make a commitment to the importance of breastfeeding, including written policies and procedures and supporting staff’s decision to breastfeed.
    • Education and Training: Train yourself and staff in the skills to support breastfeeding, require continued education updates at least once a year, and provide education to families and visitors.
    • Breastfeeding Friendly Environment: Create a culture and environment at your program that openly supports breastfeeding.
    • Communication: Build strong relationships and communicate regularly with your staff and families.
    • Resources: Refer families to local breastfeeding resources, services, and skilled breastfeeding support.
  • Meet with Child Health Promotion (CHP) program staff to complete a pre-assessment and develop an action plan based on the assessment results.
  • Attend one training session.
  • Complete the post-assessment and conduct an on-site review with CHP staff to establish that five criteria were met.


Contact Us

Child Health Promotion (CHP) Program

Main: 303-413-7500
Submit a question


3482 Broadway
Map and Directions
Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Boulder County Public Health website