Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Benefit Recovery
A smiling woman using a laptop to pay bills online

Benefit Repayment for Food, Cash, Child Care, or Medical Assistance

En Español

If you received a letter from the State of Colorado saying you must repay benefits, you can pay online, pay in-person, or pay by mail.

This includes benefits for food (from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP), child care (from the Child Care Assistance Program, or CCAP), cash (from Colorado Works/Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Workforce Boulder County, Aid to the Needy or Disabled (AND), or Old Age Pension (OAP)), and medical costs (from Health First Colorado, Colorado’s Medicaid program).

If you received a letter about a benefit overpayment, here’s what to do:

  1. Sign, date, and return the repayment agreement included with the letter. To return the form, you may:
    • Take a photo of it with your phone and email it to:
    • Or, drop the form off in person at any of the following Human Services offices (either at the front desk or in the drop box labeled “Human Services”):
      • Boulder (open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday)
        3460 N Broadway Boulder, CO 80304
      • Longmont – St Vrain HUB (open Monday through Friday)
        515 Coffman St, Longmont, CO 80501
      • Lafayette – Southeast Community HUB (open Tuesday and Thursday)
        1755 S Public Rd. Lafayette, CO 80026
  2. Follow the payment rules based on the type of overpayment:
    • Administrative or Client Error: Pay at least $10 or 10% of your benefit amount, whichever is higher.
    • Intentional Program Violation (IPV): Pay at least $20 or 20% of your benefit amount, whichever is higher.
    • If you’re currently receiving benefits (SNAP or Cash), you may check the box labeled “Benefit Reduction” on the repayment agreement. Then, your monthly claim repayment will automatically be deducted from your monthly benefits
  3. Make a payment online, by mail, or in-person. Please see the corresponding tabs below for more details on each payment method.

You can pay your claim online through our payment portal.

What You’ll Need:

  • Your Colorado Benefits Management System (CBMS) case ID and/or claim number (your number will start with “1B”).
  • Your date of birth.

Make a Payment: CitePay Online Payment Portal

Important Notes:

  • A 5.5% fee applies if you use a debit or credit card.
  • Boulder County Human Services does not advise taking on credit card debt to pay your claim.

Need Help with Credit Card Debt?

Our Personal Finance Program can help for free. Call 720-564-2279, email, or schedule an appointment online.

You may pay by mail using a check, or a money order.

Please mail your payment to:

Att. Issuance Office
3400 Broadway St.
Boulder, CO 80304

Please make all checks/money orders payable to Boulder County Department of Human Services (BCDHS) and include your Colorado Benefits Management System (CBMS) case ID (your number will start with “1B”) or claim number in the memo field.

You may pay in person using cash (exact change required), a check, or a money order between 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. at any of our Human Services locations:

  • Boulder (open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday)
    3460 N Broadway Boulder, CO 80304
  • Longmont – St Vrain HUB (open Monday through Friday)
    515 Coffman St, Longmont, CO 80501
  • Lafayette – Southeast Community HUB (open Tuesday and Thursday)
    1755 S Public Rd. Lafayette, CO 80026

To pay using the funds on your EBT card (via one time, or full payment), complete the Affidavit of Return of Food or Cash Benefits. You may also print out the form using the link below. You can return a completed form either in-person or by emailing a photo of it to

Question: Why did I receive a notice of overpayment?

Answer: You received a notice because Boulder County Human Services has determined that you were overpaid in benefits. The Claim Calculation Form that came with your notice explains why and how the amount was calculated.

Question: What if I disagree with the claim amount or want to appeal?

Answer: Please refer to the instructions in your Notice of Overpayment. You can request an informal meeting (called a County Conference) or appeal the decision by the deadline listed. If you have questions, call 303-441-1000.

Question: What if I don’t know my case number?

Answer: Your Colorado Benefits Management System (CBMS) Case ID is a seven-digit number starting with “1B”. You can find your Case ID in the notice of overpayment letter you received, or you can find it by logging into Colorado PEAK. If you need help, call 303-441-1000.

Question: What if I have a Medicaid claim?

Answer: Currently, there is a pause on all Medicaid recovery repayments until further notice, except in cases of court-ordered restitution. In those cases, monthly payments are still required.

Question: How can I check my claim balance?

Answer: You can check your balance on our payment portal, CitePay. Enter your case number or claim number and your date of birth. If you can’t find your balance, email us at

Question: Do I have to make my payment on a specific day of the month?

Answer: No, as long as we get your payment by the 30th of the month, it will be on time.

Question: Will my claim balance increase over time? Are there late fees?

Answer: No, your balance will not increase, and there are no late fees. However, late payments may lead to your account being delinquent. Delinquent accounts may result in actions such as: Tax Intercepts, Legal Action, and/or Wage Garnishments.

Question: Can I pay more than the agreed amount?

Answer: Yes, you can always make extra payments or pay more than the agreed amount.

Question: Can I set up a recurring payment?

Answer: Yes, you can set up a recurring payment with your bank. You’ll need to provide your bank with our address (see below), as well as your Colorado Benefits Management System (CBMS) Case ID. Then, the bank will mail us a check on your behalf every month.

Att. Issuance Office
3400 Broadway St.
Boulder, CO 80304

Question: How long will it take for my payment to be applied?

Answer: Payments are credited as of the date they are received, but it may take at least three to five business days for a payment to be applied to a claim.

Question: How can I get more payment coupons and return envelopes?

Answer: To request more payment coupons and/or envelopes, please email us at: Coupons and envelopes are also available, by request, at any of our Human Services Issuance locations.

Question: Can I still apply for benefits if I have a claim?

Answer: Yes, you can apply for benefits, even if you have a current or past claim(s).

  • If the claim is due to agency or client error, you can reapply. If approved, part of your new benefits may go toward the claim balance.
  • If the claim is due to an Intentional Program Violation (IPV), you can apply after the disqualification period ends.

You can email us at , or call us at 303-441-1449.
Please allow 48-72 hours for a response.

Contact Us

Human Services

Phone: 303-441-1000
TTY: 1-800-659-3656
Fax: 303-441-1523
Submit a question

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 471
Boulder, CO 80306

Boulder Location

3460 Broadway
Map and Directions Boulder Location

Fax: 720-564-2283
Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday/Wednesday/Friday
Issuance Closed 1-2 p.m. for lunch.

Longmont Location

515 Coffman St.
Map and Directions Longmont Location
Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Issuance Closed 1-2 p.m. for lunch.

Lafayette Location

1755 S. Public Road, Lafayette
Map and Directions Lafayette Location
Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Closed 1-2 p.m. for lunch.

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