Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Event Calendar
PAST EVENT: This event has already occured.

CANCELED: Board of Review (BOR) Public Meeting


Board of Review hearings and meetings will be offered in a hybrid format where attendees can join through Teams or in-person at the Boulder County Courthouse Annex, 2nd Floor Caribou Meeting Room, 2045 13th Street, Boulder.

The Board of Review Meeting for Dec. 5 has been cancelled due to lack of quorum. Instead of a Board of Review Meeting, this same time and location will be used to hold an open Public Meeting where you are invited to hear from Boulder County Staff about the proposed code and to share your feedback about the current draft.

Public Meeting on Proposed Building Code Updates - Thursday, December 5, 2024 from 3-5 p.m.

Attend or speak virtually

Docket BORC-24-0001: Building Code Update & Amendments

Ron Flax, Chief Building Official/Deputy Director, will hold a study session with the Board of Review for the proposed items to be considered for inclusion into the amendments to the 2021 International Codes. Ron Flax will ask for input and feedback from the board members and members of the public.

Meeting Materials:

There will be opportunity to provide public comment on the subject item during the respective Public Meeting portion. If you have comments regarding any of these items, you may mail comments to the Community Planning & Permitting Department (PO Box 471, Boulder, CO 80306) or email to Please include the docket number “BORC-24-0001” in the subject line of your communication.

By statutory authority, the Boulder County Board of Review hears and decides technical appeals to the interpretation of the Boulder County Building Code Amendments, which apply in the unincorporated areas of Boulder County, not in incorporated cities or towns. The Board of Review looks at proposed building code amendments and makes recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners’ prior to adoption.

Boulder County wants to ensure that everyone has equal access to our programs, activities, and services. To request an Americans with Disability Act (ADA) accommodation, please email, or call 303-441-1386. Submit your request as early as possible, and no later than two business days before the event.

If you need help in another language, please email or call 303-441-3930. Contact us as early as possible, and no later than three business days before the event.

Event Details

Start dateDecember 5, 2024 3:00 pmEnd dateDecember 5, 2024 5:00 pmCalendarCommunity Planning & Permitting, Home PageGoogle Calendar

Organizer Details

OrganizerCommunity Planning & PermittingPhone303-441-3930Emailplanner@bouldercounty.govWebsiteCommunity Planning & Permitting Department


VenuesCommunity Planning & Permitting, Virtual via TeamsAddress2045 13th St.CityBoulder

Community Planning & Permitting