Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Hauling Overview for Resident and Businesses

Hauling Overview for Resident and Businesses

Boulder County does not provide hauling of trash, recyclables, compostables or any other materials to residential or commercial properties. If you live in a municipality in Boulder County, please first visit your city or towns’ website for more information about hauling. If you live in unincorporated Boulder County, please see below to learn more about hauling in your area.

Waste Hauler Ordinance Policy

In 2019, Boulder County implemented new policies that apply to all hauling companies that collect, transport or dispose of discarded materials (garbage, recyclables, or compostables, construction and demolition waste, or landscaping materials) in unincorporated Boulder County.

The policy includes the following elements:

  • Hauler Licenses – Ensures haulers have insurance, report data and meet other requirements.
  • Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT) Disposal Pricing Tiers – The larger your trash bin the more you pay for collection service, incentivizing waste reduction / diversion.
  • Curbside Single-Stream Recycling Collection (all recyclables together in one bin)– Requires unlimited curbside recycling collection for certain regions of the county.
  • Curbside Organics Collection – Requires food waste and yard waste collection in certain regions of the county.
  • Licensing for Construction and Demolition (C&D) Haulers – Requires haulers collecting C&D materials like asphalt, concrete, lumber, metals, plastic, cardboard, carpet, and brick to be licensed.
  • Licensing for Landscaping Materials Haulers – Requires haulers collecting materials like grass clippings, leaves, branches and garden refuse to be licensed.
  • Waste Hauler Annual Reporting – Requires haulers to provide hauling data, which helps the county track its progress towards zero waste.

The Hauler Ordinance provides a level playing field for licensed trash haulers in Boulder County; all haulers are required to provide similar services, but they set their own rates based on costs of providing those services.

See the Waste Hauler Ordinance Regions Map to understand which services are provided in your area.

Zero Waste Coupons for Businesses

Boulder County supports your business in reducing waste by offering a coupon worth $150 towards Zero Waste services. Businesses in the cities of Longmont, Louisville, Lafayette, and Superior are eligible for even more savings funded through the municipalities. Learn more about how to apply on the Zero Waste Coupon for Businesses webpage.