Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Boulder County government offices closed Monday, Feb. 17, in observance of President’s Day.

Hazardous Waste Disposal for Businesses

Hazardous Waste Disposal for Businesses


By Appointment Only: for businesses that generate small quantities of hazardous wastes AND that are classified by the State of Colorado as “very small quantity generators” (VSQGs). Typically businesses that are VSQGs include auto shops; housecleaning companies; lab, R&D, analytical companies; landscapers; non-profits, painters; religious organizations; schools and school districts, tanning salons, manufacturers, retailers, etc.

There is a fee for the service based on waste management costs for type and weight of waste delivered, plus surcharges for overhead and construction.

Definition of VSQG

VSQG businesses generate:

Hours of Operation

TuesdayBusiness waste accepted by appointment only
WednesdayNo business waste accepted
ThursdayNo business waste accepted
FridayNo business waste accepted
SaturdayNo business waste accepted

How to Use this Service

  1. Review State guidelines to confirm that you qualify as a VSQG business.
  2. Complete the VSQG Business Service Application and VSQG Inventory Form (see forms section below) and schedule an appointment below (You will need to upload these documents when scheduling). Note: Unknown wastes will not be accepted. Wastes must be in original containers.*
  3. Schedule Appointment. Walk-ins will not be accepted.
  4. Deliver wastes at appointed time to the Hazardous Materials Management Facility, 1901c 63rd Street, Boulder, CO 80301.
  5. Our preferred method of payment at the time of delivery is credit card. We can also accept cash or in-state company check. Note: our credit card company adds a convenience fee if paying by card. If one of these payment methods won’t work, please contact 720-564-2251 prior to scheduling appointment to be set up as a customer in our financial system. (requires a W9 from your company, must be completed before we schedule your appointment)


Business Service Application

VSQG Business Service Application

VSQG Business Service Application

Must be completed for all business hazardous waste delivery including local government HMM IGA partners. Please complete, sign, and upload the form.

Inventory Forms and Fees

There are two types of inventory forms. VSQG Inventory Form for Businesses and VSQG Inventory Form for Local Government HMM IGA Partners. Please select the appropriate form. Customers are required to list a EPA Waste Codes for each line item of waste they plan on disposing of. Here is a link to the CDPHE web site to assist you in identifying hazardous waste: Colorado Hazardous Waste Regulations. This website is also hyperlinked on the Inventory Form.

  • VSQG Inventory Form for Businesses – to be used by all businesses EXCLUDING local government IGA partners. Inventory form for completion by businesses prior to hazardous material delivery. Complete form with your business service application.
  • VSQG Inventory Form for Local Government HMM IGA Partners – to be used by local government HMM IGA partners only. Inventory form for completion by local government IGA partners prior to hazardous material delivery. Complete form with your business service application.
  • Email or call 720-564-2251 for more information or questions.

Right to Refuse

Boulder County reserves the right to refuse any VSQG waste, including waste that is not properly segregated, packaged, labeled, or represented by your company.

Types of Waste Accepted

The VSQG service accepts hazardous wastes including acids and bases, flammable liquids and solids, pesticides and poisons, and oil-based paints. Universal wastes, recyclable and non-hazardous wastes are also accepted including: aerosol cans, fluorescent tubes and lamps (CFLs), applicable pesticides, auto batteries and other batteries, antifreeze, latex paints, and non-hazardous liquids.
Note: Wastes must be in original containers or documented with SDS or lab analysis upon request. Only material listed on your inventory form will be accepted. Walks ins will not be accepted.

Wastes that are NOT Accepted

ExplosivesShock sensitive materials
Electronic waste – computers, televisions, etc.Radioactive material, including smoke detectors
Fire extinguishersWaste in open, unsealed containers
Friable asbestos or large quantities of non-friable asbestosDented or damaged containers
Gas cylinders- compressed, larger than 1 lb.Waste not listed on your inventory
Medical wastes and pharmaceuticalsUnknown wastes will not be accepted
“P” listed wastes over one quart

Packaging Waste

  • Drums must be closed, sealed and in good condition.
  • Drums must be UN-certified and suitable for shipping.
  • Unsuitable or damaged drums may incur additional costs for transfer into an overpack salvage drum.
  • Clearly mark or label the contents of each container and ensure the writing is legible.
  • Store and transport wastes in original containers.
  • Waste must be safely prepared, packaged, and labeled. Clearly mark or label the contents of each container and ensure the writing is legible.
  • Count the number of bulbs and write the number on the box. Pack fluorescent tubes and bulbs (CFLs) in boxes that are taped closed or bundle and secure with blue painters tape or electric tape to to it can easily be removed.
  • Separate incompatible materials such as acids and bases, acids and oxidizers.
  • Place clear tape on the positive terminal of all lithium batteries and any other battery over 9-volts to prevent a fire.

CESQG businesses are responsible for complying with hazardous waste or hazardous materials transportation requirements. Call the Federal DOT if you have questions about how to transport your waste: 1-800-HMR-4922 (1-800-467-4922).

  • Drums or large loads must be palletized, with pallets accessible by forklift.
  • Transport wastes in vehicles of 20-foot wheelbase or less (the HMMF cannot accommodate larger vehicles).
  • Trucks with lift gates are preferred.
  • Secure the load to prevent shifting and spills.
  • Larger loads can take 30 minutes or more for unloading, weighing, and paperwork.
  • You are responsible for any spills, clean-up, or damages that may occur while transporting your waste.
  • All waste transportation must meet DOT requirements including proper marking, labeling, packaging, and placarding.

Schedule of Fees

Hazardous Waste Disposal Costs for Businesses

This cost sheet is for use by all businesses EXCLUDING local government HMM IGA partners.

Hazardous Waste Disposal Costs for Local Government HMM IGA Partners

This cost sheet is for use by all local government HMM IGA partners.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

VSQG businesses generate: less than 100 kg (or about 27 gallons or 220 lbs.) of hazardous waste per month; less than 1 kg (or about 1 quart or 2.2 lbs.) of acutely hazardous waste per month; and accumulate less than 1,000 kg (or about 270 gallons or 2,200 lbs. or four, 55 gallon drums) at any one time.
Contact Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), 303-692-3320
Visit the state’s website for more information about VSQG businesses.

You need to contact the CDPHE and request a “a one-time EPA ID number” and ship your waste as a SQG for that month. After that you can revert to being a VSQG and use the Boulder County Program. Contact CDPHE for more details at 303-692-3320.

Contact Us

Hazardous Materials Management Facility



West of Boulder County Recycling Center
1901 63rd St.
Boulder, CO 80301
Map and Directions
Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Tuesday: Business waste by appointment only