Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Yard Waste and Food Scrap Drop-off
yard waste and leaves

Yard Waste and Food Scrap Drop-off

Drop-off Centers

Many local communities offer yard waste and food scrap drop-off sites for residents. Many of the sites offer free mulch and other compost materials to residents of the County or particular City.

Allenspark/Meeker Park

Community Forestry Sort Yards collect wood and slash from county residents.
Note: The Allenspark Transfer Station does not accept trees, slash or wood waste.

Boulder County and City of Boulder Yard Waste and Wood Waste Drop-Off Center

The City of Boulder and Boulder County sponsor the yard waste drop-off center and wood waste drop-off center at Western Disposal. Residents receive a 40% discount from normal yard waste and wood waste drop-off pricing. Please keep yard waste separate from wood waste.

Boulder County contractors bringing material from construction job sites located in the city limits of Boulder can pay 30% less than the standard construction trash disposal rate if wood waste is kept separate.

Wood and Yard waste drop-off center

Western Disposal sells 2” grind mulch and finished compost in bulk. Loading is available for free and they provide delivery service for a fee. For more information, call 303-444-2037.

Longmont Tree Limb Diversion Center

The Longmont Tree Limb Diversion Center offers free services for Longmont residents. Contractors and non-residents pay a fee.


Community Forestry Sort Yards collect wood and slash from county residents.
Note: The Nederland Transfer Station does not accept trees, slash or wood waste.

Nederland Transfer Station and Recycling Drop-off accepts organics including food scraps, meat and bones, cheese, dairy products, yard and garden trimmings.

Eco-Cycle’s Center for Hard to Recycle Materials (CHaRM)

6400 Arapahoe Rd., Boulder

Eco-Cycle’s Center for Hard to Recycle Materials (CHaRM) accepts all food scraps (including meats, bones, and oils), and floral trimmings. Open to public.

For more information about this service call 303-444-6634.

Contact Us

Resource Conservation Division



Boulder County Recycling Center
1901 63rd St.
Boulder, CO 80301
Map and Directions
Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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