Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.



Resolution 2022-016 approved by BOCC

The Boulder County Commissioners unanimously approved the precinct changes proposed by the Clerk and Recorder’s Office in Resolution 2022-016 at the January 20, 2022 meeting. Updated 2022 precinct maps can be found on our website here. Details regarding the redistricting/reprecincting process can be found below.

What is redistricting and what is the process?

Redistricting is the creation of new boundaries representing political jurisdictions and is based on population data gathered from the 2020 Decennial Census.

In 2018, Colorado voters approved Amendments Y and Z, which established independent commissions to draw Colorado’s congressional and state legislative boundaries. That process has now concluded, and the county clerk’s office must work to review precincts to match them to the maps provided by the independent commission. The Clerk’s office then presents the updated map with the new precinct boundaries to the Boulder County Board of Commissioners for their approval. January 31, 2022 is the last day to change precinct boundaries or create new precincts before the March 1 party precinct caucuses. To meet this deadline, board review will occur mid-January to allow sufficient time to implement reprecincting changes in the statewide voter registration system.

What is reprecincting?

Reprecincting is the process to amend, create, or dissolve precincts within a county based on the approved independent commission maps and taking active registered voter counts into account.

What changes may occur as a result of reprecincting?

  • As precinct boundaries cannot cross Congressional, State House or State Senate District boundaries, it may be necessary to change our current precinct geographic boundaries to comply with the court approved independent commission maps.
  • Precinct population size is set pursuant to Colorado Revised Statute 1-5-101 (3) (a) and (b). Population growth and active registered voter count trends are reviewed for each precinct and change recommendations made accordingly.
    • For example, if a precinct voter count is growing, then a new precinct may be added. Conversely, if the precinct numbers are low or not growing, a precinct may be combined with an adjacent precinct.
    • Note: Since reprecincting was last conducted, the Colorado voting model shifted from precinct driven voting locations to a mail ballot voting model (adopted in 2013). As a result, we now have the opportunity to reduce the overall number of precincts. Having fewer precincts helps streamline election processes and simplifies the ballot development process for future elections.
  • Precinct shapes are then used as building blocks by local jurisdictions to create or update their own districts. Political parties also use the precinct information for caucus planning.

What does redistricting/reprecincting mean for voters?

As a voter, redistricting can have an impact on which congressional, state senate and state house district you are eligible to vote for. Reprecincting, on the other hand, is the administrative act of implementing new precinct maps in accordance with statue.

What is the role of Clerk’s office in reprecincting?

  • We rely on precincts for the purpose of conducting and administering elections.
  • We review the approved independent commission maps and count of active registered voters within each census block shape to evaluate if our current precincts need to be amended or combined and if any new precincts need to be created.
  • In January 2022, reprecincting recommendations will be submitted by our office to the board of county commissioners for approval.
  • Once the board approves, our office will update information in the statewide voter registration database for registered voters who are impacted.

What does your precinct number mean?

The full precinct number is 10-digits. It tells you what Congressional, State Senate, and State House Districts your address is assigned to. The number also contains a county code and the localized precinct number.

Here is an example: 2-17-12-07-212

This number means the following:

2nd Congressional District

17th State Senate District

12th State House District

07 – Represents the County Code (Boulder County is 07)

212 – Local precinct in Boulder County

What district numbers are changing as a result of redistricting?

Based upon the approved independent commission maps, Boulder County will experience the below noted district changes. Residents should refer to the approved independent commission maps to determine how it may impact which districts now represent them (or will after redistricting is complete).

District Before 2021 Redistricting After 2021 Redistricting
Congressional CD 2, CD 4 CD 2
State Senate 16, 17, 18 15, 17, 18
State House 10, 11, 12, 13, 33 10, 11, 12, 19, 49
Precinct 240 precincts 190-200 precincts

Contact Us

Elections Division


303-413-7728 (Fax)
Boulder County Elections website

7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Closed Fridays


Boulder (Main Office):
1750 33rd St.
Boulder, CO 80301

1755 S. Public Road
Lafayette, CO 80026

529 Coffman St.
Longmont, CO 80501

* Longmont and Lafayette locations only offer paper voter registration forms
+ The Longmont office is temporarily located inside the main Boulder County building at 515 Coffman. Same building, just enter main doors.

Mailing Address

1750 33rd St., Suite 200
Boulder, CO 80301

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