Amended fire restrictions: Stage 1 fire restrictions in western Boulder County. Fire restrictions rescinded in eastern Boulder County.

Community Protection
Flatirons with the 20th Judicial District Seal

Community Protection Division

About the Community Protection Division

The Community Protection Division (CPD) serves the people of Boulder County in three ways:

  • Engages community members through outreach and education, increasing public awareness to prevent further victims of crime.
  • Investigates complaints and prosecutes cases involving abuse or exploitation of at-risk members of our community.
  • Works to resolve disputes between individual consumers and businesses and receives complaints regarding wage theft.
  • Provides information and resources to community members regarding matters that may not rise to the level of criminal charges.

CPD Staff members and volunteers can answer questions, provide information and referrals, and work to resolve community complaints. Our office is located in the Boulder County Justice Center at 6th and Canyon. To connect our office, please call 303-441-3700 and ask for the Community Protection Division.

Community Outreach

Community outreach, both as an educator and a listener is critical to District Attorney Michael Dougherty’s vision for the District Attorney’s Office. Presentations and educational materials addressing relevant issues affecting our community are available upon request and presented by District Attorney staff including but not limited to Bullying, Elder Abuse, Identity Theft and Fraud, Internet /Cell Phone Safety, Mandatory Reporting, Human Trafficking, and Sexual Misconduct in the Workplace. To see a complete list of topics and/or request a speaker please complete the Speaker Request Form.

To reach the Community Protection Division, please call (303) 441-3700, or send us an email.

Disputes With a Business

The Community Protection Division (CPD) may be able to assist consumers with resolving their consumer complaints. Please review the below information to make sure your consumer complaint meets our requirements. If you have questions feel free to contact the Community Protection Division at 303-441-3700.

To file a consumer complaint, there must be a Boulder County connection:

  1. You are a consumer of a product or service from a business, and you are a resident of Boulder County, or
  2. You are a consumer of a product or service from a business that is based within Boulder County.

Complete the Online Form

Please complete the Online Consumer Complaint Form in full. If you have any problems with completing the form, please contact 303-441-3700 and ask for Community Protection Division.

Or download the Mail-in Consumer Complaint Form. Answer all the questions that pertain to your consumer complaint and mail to the address listed on the form. For Spanish – Formulario de Reclamo de Consumidor.

Identity Theft

If you are a victim of identity theft, please take these immediate steps:

  1. Call the fraud department of the company where the fraud occurred. Explain that someone stole your identity.
  2. Ask the company to close or freeze the account.
  3. Change any logins, passwords, and PINS for the account.
  4. Place a fraud alert and get your credit reports. To place a fraud alert you need to contact one of the three major credit bureaus:
  5. Get a free credit report from Equifax, Experian, TransUnion by going to Annual Credit Report or calling 1-877-322-8228.
  6. Review your credit report and make note of any account or transaction you don’t recognize.
  7. File a report with the Federal Trade Commission (Comisión Federal de Comercio) or call 1-877-IDTHEFT (1-877-438-4338).
  8. Report identity theft to your local law enforcement agency.
  9. Read through our Reporting and Recovery from Identity Theft (Como Reportar y Recuperarse del Robo de Identidad) bulletin and the FTC’s Identity Theft A recovery Plan (Robo de identidad Un plan de acción) to learn further steps to take to recover from identity theft.

Learn other tips to safeguard your identity both online and offline by reviewing our resources

Recent Scams

Scams come in a variety of different ways. To ensure you are up tp date on the recent scams, please review the below scam bulletins:

Contact Us

District Attorney's Office

303-441-3700 (Main Office)
303-441-4703 (Main Office fax)
303-682-6800 (Longmont Office)
303-682-6711 (Longmont fax)
for Hearing Impaired
please use Relay Colorado


Justice Center
1777 6th St.
Boulder, CO 80302
Map and Directions Boulder Location


Longmont Courthouse
1035 Kimbark St.
Longmont, CO 80501
Map and Directions Longmont Location

District Attorney Seal

Mailing Address

Boulder District Attorney
P.O. Box 471
Boulder, CO 80306