Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights booklet, are available at

Comprehensive Creek Planning – History and Background
Creek restoration near Betasso Trail

Boulder County Community Planning & Permitting Public Office Hours, Virtual Service Hours and a link to schedule an appointment can be found at the bottom of the page.

Comprehensive Creek Planning - History and Background

The Comprehensive Creek Planning Initiative (CCP) was a project developed by Boulder County to address the vulnerabilities in the county’s watersheds after the 2013 Flood. The project was designed to mitigate immediate flood hazards and lay the foundation for long-term watershed recovery by developing multi-disciplinary watershed-level master plans for flood-impacted watersheds. The CCP initiative was a collaborative, inclusive process that has created a common vision for watershed recovery, flood risk reduction, and more resilient watersheds throughout the county.

The CCP initiative has been instrumental in guiding Boulder County’s response to, and recovery from, the September 2013 Flood. The flood significantly changed the county’s numerous watersheds, making them physically and ecologically less stable and increasing their vulnerability to future flooding. Recognizing that any action taken in the creek has impacts both upstream and downstream, Boulder County believed that a comprehensive approach across watersheds was needed to allow county residents and other stakeholders to implement watershed restoration projects in a consistent manner. The CCP initiative included multi-stakeholder coalitions and public engagement to ensure the master plans reflected the vision of the community within each watershed.

At the end of 2014 watershed master plans had been completed for:

  • Fourmile Creek
  • Left Hand Creek
  • Little Thompson River
  • St. Vrain Creek
  • Upper Coal Creek

All five plans were adopted by the Boulder County Board of County Commissioners in February 2015.

After laying the groundwork for more resilient watersheds, the CCP initiative has now transitioned to the Creek Recovery and Restoration Program to continue the long-term recovery effort by seeking funding for restoration projects, overseeing project implementation, and continuing to partner and coordinate with stakeholders and residents in the community.

News & Presentations


The CCP video highlights the purpose of the watershed master planning process.

Contact Us

Creek Restoration and Recovery

Project Manager
Stacey Proctor


2525 13th St.
Suite 203
Boulder, CO 80302


8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Monday- Friday
Map and Directions

Mailing Address

PO Box 471
Boulder, CO 80306