While numbers and percentages can be important for measuring people’s input, listening to their stories, perspectives, and backgrounds is equally helpful for us. The community engagement work we are doing now includes both. See the presentation of the qualitative information we’ve gathered thus far.

Human Services Strategic Planning - Learning and Understanding
The voices of community members, partners, and staff are essential to our understanding of what we must do over the next five years.
In our first phase of community engagement, we hosted several sessions with community members to help inform our strategic plan.
Participants broke out into smaller groups and discussed the services Boulder County Human Services provides. We asked them to reflect on what could be better about the services and how that could matter for their future.
See the presentation that outlines how we are approaching this community engagement.
Below is an overview of the demographic information Integrated Work gathered for Boulder County DHS during the first round of 2024 community engagements for the five-year Strategic Plan.
We had a total of 89 total participants, and 58 shared demographic information.
Household Income
Coming soon!