Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Advisory Council
A mother looks lovingly at her smiling young son.

Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Advisory Council

The Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Advisory Council (IDDAC) will act as a body that will prioritize the recommendations outlined in the Boulder County Community Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) Needs Assessment completed in January 2019. This Council will make recommendations to the Boulder County Community and Boulder County Department of Human Services for new and ongoing investments for intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) services, programs, and inform ongoing monitoring and transparency of the IDD Mill Levy investments.

Please note that for the purposes of the Mill Levy and the Council, intellectual and developmental disabilities are defined as:

  • A disability that is manifested before the person reaches 22 years of age or brain injury acquired as an adult
  • A disability attributed to a diagnosed intellectual disability or related conditions which include cerebral palsy, epilepsy, autism, or other neurological conditions when such conditions result in either impairment of general intellectual functioning or adaptive behavior similar to that of a person with a diagnosed intellectual disability.

Reference Materials

Boulder County’s IDD Community Needs Assessment


Rebecca J. Seiden, M.A.
IDD Mill Levy Coordinator
Community Initiatives Unit

Allison E. Joel, M.S.W.
IDD Mill Levy Specialist
Community Initiatives Unit

Boulder County Housing and Human Services is releasing two Request for Proposal (RFP) that will be funded by the IDD Mill Levy. The first RFP is to solicit programs that will sustain or increase the availability and access to direct service opportunities for persons living with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Autism, and/or Brain Injury residing in Boulder County. The second RFP is to solicit programs that will sustain or increase the availability and access to community social activities and community recreational opportunities for persons living with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Autism, and/or Brain Injury residing in Boulder County. Please go to the following link to access the RFP applications and directions to respond to them.

At each meeting there will be time for public comment. Please sign up before meeting or email prior to meeting.

Boulder County wants to ensure that everyone has equal access to our programs, activities, and services. To request an Americans with Disability Act (ADA) accommodation, please email, or call 303-441-1386. Submit your request as early as possible, and no later than two business days before the event.

Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Advisory Council Member Jolie BernsteinJolie Bernstein is the mother of an adult dually diagnosed with IDD and Schizophrenia currently living in a host home. Jolie has worked in Early Intervention for 25+ years beginning when it was just starting in Boulder County. For the past 23 years Jolie has worked at Imagine! as a bilingual Early Intervention Service Coordinator. During her son’s early years Jolie participated in and provided support to families through Spokes People, the parent to parent organization then funded through Early Intervention. Jolie serves on the IDD Advisory Council as one of our IDD Individual or Family Member Representatives.

IDD Advisory Council Members: Robert EndersonRobert Enderson is a confident self-advocate who has had difficult life experiences but has made a better life for himself. Robert is President of the Boulder and Broomfield Self Advocates Becoming Empowered (SABE) chapter. He is a member of CO Speaking for Ourselves (SFO) which meets to talk about how to make life better for people with IDD. Robert is also a member of the Board of the Association for Community Living (ACL). Robert lives in Longmont and have lived in Boulder County his entire life. Robert serves on the IDD Advisory Council as one of our IDD Individual or Family Member Representatives.

IDD Advisory Council Members: Teresa GreeneTeresa Greene is currently employed by The Center for People with Disabilities as a Youth Independent Living Adviser. Teresa obtained her Bachelor’s in Child Development from California State University Fresno. Her focus has been on Special Education and Mental Health. Teresa has ten years of experience working with people living with disabilities from early education to adult support programs. Teresa has four children and has seen first-hand the struggles they have faced due to barriers. Teresa has spent her life educating herself so that she can advocate for her children as well as other people living with disabilities. Teresa is also a Host Home Provider for an individual with multiple disabilities. Teresa describes herself as a compassionate soul with a loving heart who has a realistic outlook on life and can find the humor in any situation. Teresa serves on the IDD Advisory Council as one of our IDD Individual or Family Member Representatives.

IDD Advisory Council Members: Heidi QueHeidi Que has always been tied to the IDD community in different ways. She is both a mother of a child in the IDD Community and a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Heidi has been a Special Olympics volunteer and worked in group homes, hospitals and nursing homes. She graduated as a Presidential Scholar with a Master of Social Work from Gallaudet University and received an education in American Sign Language. She learned from some of the nation’s most prominent disabilities advocates on how to navigate community resources and macro change efforts of institutions, as well as clinical skills of working with people who have various forms of mental illnesses. She also earned a post graduate certificate in Paralegal Studies from Duke University. Mrs. Que has been a Social Worker for 23 years working in medical institutions, a Special Education School and Community organizations. Heidi served on the American Red Cross-National Headquarters Disabilities Task Force to plan how the organization would better serve people with disabilities. She lives and works in Boulder County and enjoys homeschooling her kids and enjoying nature and all creative arts activities. Heidi serves on the IDD Advisory Council as one of our Business or Non-Profit Representatives.

IDD Advisory Council Members: Annette Treufeldt-FranckAnnette Treufeldt-Franck (Vice-Chairperson) is the mother of two neurodiverse young adults, one of whom is IDD identified. The journey to understand, advocate for, find resources and navigate systems for her children’s needs has led to an understanding of the systems, services, and supports available to the IDD community. Her youngest child has just transitioned to adult services and has access to the services and supports from a Medicaid Waiver, Medicaid, Social Security and DVR. Annette and her family live in unincorporated Boulder County, just outside of Nederland. Since 2015, she has served on the Board of Directors at the Nederland Food Pantry and as the Pantry’s Clothing Closet Coordinator. Annette is a member of the Peak to Peak Housing and Human Services Alliance and is just starting as a Family Recruited Employee (FRE) at Imagine!, so that her child can receive the services in their Medicaid Waiver plan. Annette wishes to increase resident’s access to the IDD Advisory Council by including those in the mountain region of Boulder County. Annette serves on the IDD Advisory Council as one of our Member at Large Representatives.

IDD Advisory Council Members: Lisa SlagerLisa Slager is a retired marketing and financial professional with both nonprofit and private sector experience. She is also the mother to two children, one of whom has a rare genetic disorder involving an intellectual disability. Having lived in six different states during her daughter’s childhood, Lisa has spent considerable time learning to navigate systems and resources for her daughter in each location. Currently, she serves on The Threshold Program President’s Advisory Board at Lesley University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where her daughter lives after graduating from the program. Locally, Lisa serves on the board for the Boulder Newcomers Club and volunteers with Cultivate and the I Have a Dream Foundation. She and her husband live in unincorporated Boulder County and are thrilled to be back in Colorado after a lifetime of summer visits and living briefly in Fort Collins over 20 years ago. Lisa serves on the IDD Advisory Council as one of our IDD Individual or Family Member Representatives.

IDD Advisory Council Members: Julie MarshallJulie Marshall is mom to a child who has autism and a seizure disorder. Julie created Brainsong when her child was in third grade.  Brainsong is a nonprofit opening access to the professional art.  It has grown, providing free art therapy for siblings, and free ASL classes for families living with different abilities. Brainsong has been a Community Foundation grant recipient for its “No Shushing” concerts that follow these rules: No Judging, No Explaining, No Apologizing. Brainsong with partners Expand and the Association for Community Living, was the catalyst for the first adaptive Nutcracker in Colorado three years ago with Boulder Ballet and the Boulder Philharmonic Orchestra at Macky Auditorium. Julie is the co-creator of the grant-funded city public art installation “What If Lafayette” and she continues to work as a freelance journalist after seven years as an associate editor for the Daily Camera. She is the author of Making Burros Fly: Cleveland Amory, Animal Rescue Pioneer (Big Earth, 2006). She lives in Lafayette with both of her children and husband who is a physician assistant at Kaiser.  The family also includes three happy huge dogs sand two finicky cats.  Julie serves on the IDD Advisory Council as one of our IDD Individual or Family Member Representatives.

IDD Advisory Council Members: Asher JohnsonAsher Johnson is a passionate self-advocate with firsthand experience in the Autism community, committed to creating meaningful change for individuals with disabilities. Inspired by personal experiences, Asher is focused on improving access to transitional housing solutions, particularly for those who face long-term uncertainties. Asher aims to bring data-driven insights to the Advisory Council, helping guide funding toward initiatives that positively impact daily life for individuals in the IDD/Autism/Brain Injury communities. Asher serves on the IDD Advisory Council as a representative with lived experience.

IDD Mill Levy Advisory Council Meetings 2025


Jan. 13, 2025

  • 5- 7:30 p.m. Council Meeting
Meeting Link: Jan. 13 – Virtual Only
Meeting ID: 289 980 501 155
Passcode: Xf3424pm
+1 720-400-7859, 317927569#

Feb. 10, 2025

  • 5-7:30 p.m. Council Meeting
Meeting Link: Feb. 10 – Virtual Only
Meeting ID: 244 372 223 638
Passcode: wB2fp3oq
+1 720-400-7859, 262169663#

March 10, 2025

  • 4-7:30 p.m. Retreat/Council Meeting
Hybrid 1755 S Public Waneka
Room 249
Meeting Link: March 10 – Online
Meeting ID: 218 715 040 553
Passcode: 2av7qw2X
+1 720-400-7859, 717705015#

April 14, 2025

  • 5- 7:30 p.m. Council Meeting
Meeting Link: April 14 – Virtual Only
Meeting ID: 286 192 069 023
Passcode: gR927cT6
+1 720-400-7859, 834224946#

May 12, 2025

  • 5-7:30 p.m. Council Meeting
Meeting Link: May 12 – Virtual Only
Meeting ID: 256 863 774 937
Passcode: sw6WY2rM
+1 720-400-7859, 846130134#

June 9, 2025

  • 5-7:30 p.m. Council Meeting

Hybrid 1755 S Public Waneka
Room 249

Meeting Link: June 9 – Online
Meeting ID: 217 686 096 888
Passcode: 9M7NS6JX
+1 720-400-7859, 869650246#

July 14, 2025

  • 5-7:30 p.m. Council Meeting
Meeting Link: July 14 – Virtual Only
Meeting ID: 293 849 985 246
Passcode: vj7rC9ZR
+1 720-400-7859, 372886448#

Aug. 11, 2025

  • 5- 7:30 p.m. Council Meeting
Meeting Link: Aug. 11 – Virtual Only
Meeting ID: 229 848 137 896
Passcode: us7Dt9A4
+1 720-400-7859, 966636595#

Sept. 8, 2025

  • 5-7:30 p.m. Council Meeting

Hybrid 1755 S Public Waneka
Room 249

Meeting Link: Sept. 8 – Online
Meeting ID: 234 532 758 550
Passcode: ab7BG79M
+1 720-400-7859, 552235306#

Oct. 6, 2025

  • 5-7:30 p.m. Council Meeting
Meeting Link: Oct. 6 – Virtual Only
Meeting ID: 216 854 060 846
Passcode: zQ65i78k
+1 720-400-7859, 407719913#

Nov. 17, 2025

  • 5-7:30 p.m. Council Meeting
Meeting Link: Nov. 17 – Virtual Only
Meeting ID: 280 942 506 542
Passcode: 86xc2p22
+1 720-400-7859, 802875315#

Dec. 8, 2025

  • 5-7:30 p.m. Council Meeting
Meeting Link: Dec. 8 – Virtual Only
Meeting ID: 264 890 327 362
Passcode: Dp2aw2wh
+1 720-400-7859, 92646936#

Hybrid Meetings will be held at the SE Hub 1755 S. Public Road, Lafayette, CO 80026
Waneka Room 249

Do you or someone you love have an intellectual or developmental disability (IDD), autism, or a brain injury (BI)? Navigating programs and services can feel overwhelming—but you don’t have to do it alone.

  • Our Systems Navigator is here to help you connect with the support you need. This includes:
  • Medicaid and waiver eligibility
  • Social Security benefits
  • Housing assistance
  • Food assistance
  • Help with energy bills
  • Employment support
  • And more!

The Systems Navigator supports people of all ages with IDD, autism, or BI in Boulder County, and is bilingual in English and Spanish. We’ll help you find the right programs, understand what you qualify for, and guide you through the application process.

Ready to get started? Complete the Systems Navigation Referral Form in English or Spanish.

If you have any questions, please contact Diana Hernandez at or call 303-439-7011.

Direct Services Awardees:

For this funding, we prioritized applications from programs that will maintain or expand services for people living with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), autism, and/or brain injury.

Increasing Recreational and Social Activities Awardees:

For this funding, we prioritized programs that will maintain or expand community social and recreational activities for people living with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), autism, and/or brain injury.

On October 28, 2024, Boulder County Human Services, in partnership with Denver Human Services, Inclusive Housing Coalition, and the Colorado Housing Finance Authority (CHFA) hosted the 2024 Neuro-Inclusive Housing Summit. View the recording of each session to learn more.

Main Session A

A Data-Based Discussion – The Need for Inclusive Housing: In this video, we will explore recent data assessments in Colorado, their findings, and what future data collection efforts may look like to support neuro-inclusive housing. Panelists include Louisa Bukiet from The Kelsey, Jordan Mulholland from Denver Human Services, Rebecca Seiden from Boulder County Human Services, and Jodi Walters from Imagine!

Main Session B

Examples of Neuro-Inclusive Housing Properties: Learn more about a range of neuro-inclusive housing projects, from those already in operation to upcoming and future developments. Panelists include Laura McKenna from Tall Tales Ranch, Nicole DeVries from Wellspring Community, Kristin Hyser from Broomfield Housing Alliance, and Rachelle Macur from Shopworks Architecture.

Breakout Session One

How Home and Community Based Services Waivers Work: In this video we will provide an overview of Long-Term Support Services and Home and Community-Based Waivers, focusing on how they connect with housing. It will highlight what’s working well in these programs and explore areas for potential improvement. Panelists include Karli Altman and Kidron Backes from the Office of Community Living, and Meg Janeba from the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing.

Housing Vouchers and Other Sources of Rental Assistance: Learn how housing voucher programs play a critical role in IDD housing. This video covers how these programs operate, potential opportunities for expansion, recommended improvements, and the challenges individuals face in utilizing vouchers effectively. Panelists include Ann Watts, Courtney Thomason from Colorado Division of Housing, and Amanda Ropek from Broomfield Housing Alliance.

Development Financing of Rental Housing Properties: Learn more about the programs that support the building of affordable housing and others that can cover the costs of supportive services. Moderated by Tim Dolan of Dolan Community Advising. Panelists include Mike Falleson and Denise DeBroy from CHFA, Lauren Schevets from Volker, and Wayne McClary from the Colorado Department of Local Affairs, Division of Housing.

Breakout Session Two

Recent Case Management Redesign Explained: Learn more about how Colorado’s service provision landscape is undergoing significant changes. Explore these shifts and the potential impact on housing, particularly for individuals with higher support needs.

Community Partnerships, Current and Future Opportunities: Alongside supportive housing, what external resources and partnerships are essential for residents in IDD housing? This session explores existing collaborations and discusses potential programs and opportunities to strengthen community support. Panelists include Dr. Amanda Kelly from Firefly Autism, Sam Morris from Blue Star Recyclers, and Emma Benner from Tall Tales Ranch.

Breakout Session Three

Housing Vouchers and Other Sources of Rental Assistance: Learn how housing voucher programs play a critical role in IDD housing. This video covers how these programs operate, potential opportunities for expansion, recommended improvements, and the challenges individuals face in utilizing vouchers effectively. Panelists include Ann Watts, Courtney Thomason from Colorado Division of Housing, and Amanda Ropek from Broomfield Housing Alliance.

Development Financing of Rental Housing Properties: Learn more about the programs that support the building of affordable housing and others that can cover the costs of supportive services. Moderated by Tim Dolan of Dolan Community Advising. Panelists include Mike Falleson and Denise DeBroy from CHFA, Lauren Schevets from Volker, and Wayne McClary from the Colorado Department of Local Affairs, Division of Housing.

Breakout Session Four

Housing Navigation Services for the IDD Population: Learn how individuals in the IDD community can discover neuro-inclusive housing opportunities and access support in navigating complex housing systems. Panelists include Rebecca Seiden from Boulder County Human Services, Erica Hostetler from Bayaud Enterprises, Inc., and Arnie Swenson from Rocky Mountain Human Services.

Main Session C

Call to Action: Colorado stands at a crucial juncture where the need for affordable, cognitively accessible, and safe housing for neurodiverse individuals is more pressing than ever. Let’s unite our efforts to bring about meaningful change. Speakers include Boulder County Commissioner Marta Loachamin, Boulder County Commissioners Claire Levy, and the Honorable Dianna Primavera, the Lieutenant Governor of Colorado.

Contact Us

Human Services

Phone: 303-441-1000
TTY: 1-800-659-3656
Fax: 303-441-1523
Submit a question

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 471
Boulder, CO 80306

Boulder Location

3460 Broadway
Map and Directions Boulder Location

Fax: 720-564-2283
Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday/Wednesday/Friday
Issuance Closed 1-2 p.m. for lunch.

Longmont Location

515 Coffman St.
Map and Directions Longmont Location
Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Issuance Closed 1-2 p.m. for lunch.

Lafayette Location

1755 S. Public Road, Lafayette
Map and Directions Lafayette Location
Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Closed 1-2 p.m. for lunch.

Housing & Human Services website

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