Emergency Housing Assistance
Homelessness and At-Risk of Homelessness Navigation Maps
These navigation maps created by the Local Area Collaboratives (LACs) can help identify and connect with organizations providing emergency housing and short-term financial assistance in different regions of Boulder County. Bookmark, download and save, or print and use the QR code to access the most current version.
All navigation maps are available in English and Spanish.
Todos los mapas de servicios y recursos están disponibles en inglés y español.
Community Resource Directory Maps
This easy-to-navigate Community Resource Directory Map (English and Spanish) helps staff and community members find and connect with information about essential community services through web-based directories, phone numbers, and navigation assistance.
Food Assistance
Boulder and Broomfield Counties Food Resource Calendar
This shared food calendar (Spanish) created by the Boulder and Broomfield Food Security Network (FSN) helps residents find food pantries and free meals by sorting by community, days of the week, and times of the day.
Accessibility Notice
These documents contains materials from external parties that may not be fully accessible. To request an Americans with Disability Act (ADA) accommodation, you can:
View Boulder County’s accessibility statement.
For questions regarding the development of the navigation and directory maps, please email Liz Izaguirre, Family Resource Network Coordinator, Boulder County Human Services, at
For assistance with housing-related needs or concerns, please email the Boulder County Housing Helpline at housinghelpline@bouldercounty.gov.