Boards and Commissions
The PERL training program is designed to develop leadership skills and increase civic engagement of low-income people on boards and commissions across the county.
- Equip low-income individuals to step into leadership roles on boards, commissions, and other platforms that seek community representation.
- Learn about board and commissions roles, responsibilities, and governance.
Apply for the PERL Program Boards and Commissions Training.
Creating Connections
Creating Connections is a workshop for executive directors and board members of non-profit organizations on how to strengthen their existing boards in the areas of board member participation, informed decision-making, and governance.
- Develop strategies for on-boarding new board members.
- Come away with tools for board recruitment, delegation, and marketing.
- Strategies to promote active board engagement.
Contact Information
For more information about the PERL program or Creating Connections, contact Kathryn Lehman at