Boards and Commissions
The PERL program works to diversify county leadership by involving diverse and underrepresented populations in their local governments and other organizations. PERL’s Boards and Commissions is a training program designed to increase involvement of low-income people, people of color, and other disenfranchised groups on boards and commissions across the county.
- Prepare trainees from diverse backgrounds to take leadership positions on boards and commissions and ensure authentic participation.
- Empower trainees to participate and become more involved civically in their community.
- Gain skills and obtain the tools necessary to better understand the process, structure, and make-up of boards and commissions.
Apply for the PERL Program Boards and Commissions Training.
Creating Connections
Creating Connections is a workshop for executive directors and board members of non-profit organizations or agencies on how to diversify their boards.
- Developing strategies for board diversification
- Come away with tools for recruitment and marketing
- Support for board members of diverse backgrounds
Contact Information
For more information about the PERL program or Creating Connections, contact Kathryn Lehman at