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Boulder County Carbon Conscious Certification
Marijuana cultivation facility interior

Boulder County Carbon Conscious Certification

Boulder County Carbon Conscious Certification seal

Boulder County’s Energy Impact Offset Fund (EIOF) Committee, in partnership with The Cannabis Conservatory, recognizes the urgent need for stewardship and accountability within the cannabis cultivation market. The Boulder County Carbon Conscious Certification (BCCCC) was created to support cultivators working towards carbon neutral cannabis production.

The BCCCC seal demonstrates to consumers and other supply chain members that a cultivator is working towards carbon neutral cannabis production.

The certification process is designed to help cultivators by providing a step-by-step framework for strategic energy management, implementation guidance, and compliance support.

Visit The Cannabis Conservatory for more information about this program or to register.

The 2020-2022 BCCCC Report can be found here.

Certification Body Standards

The Carbon Conscious certification is a voluntary program open to all cannabis cultivators enrolled in Boulder County’s Energy Impact Offset Fund program.

The goal of this certification is for organizations to create meaningful reductions in energy consumption and carbon emissions over a three-year period. View the full Certification Body Standards here.

The certification process helps cultivators develop a comprehensive cultivation plan. This helps companies improve the operational efficiency of all cultivation systems.

A third-party energy audit of the company’s facility is conducted to establish energy use baselines and identify energy efficiency and carbon reduction opportunities.

Cultivators are committed to calculating and documenting energy consumption benchmarks — to regularly improve strategic decision-making and accurately assess the company’s progress towards their goals.

Cultivators implement and energy-use tracking system, which helps ensure operational efficiencies, gauge effectiveness of improvements, and allows for accurate forecasting.

The certification program establishes carbon reduction targets to facilitate continual improvements and provide inspiration that helps cultivators create measurable increases in their energy efficiency.

Cultivators in this program are held to the highest standards; company values, intentions, and commitment to carbon reduction are all key factors.

Boulder County Carbon Conscious Certification infographic

Jacob Policzer of The Cannabis Conservatory presents on the benefits of certification, certification process and timeline, certification standards, and how to achieve compliance. The presentation guides companies to achieve greater energy efficiency while providing a consumer-facing tool that recognizes carbon reduction efforts in the marketplace.

View a PDF of the presentation here.

Contact Us

EIOF Liaison

Ambra Sutherlin
Business Sustainability Advisor

North Broadway Complex

3450 N. Broadway
Boulder, CO 80304
8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. M-F

Mailing Address

PO Box 471
Boulder, CO 80306