Budgeting on a Small Income 1.5 hours, Virtual When money is tight and resources are limited, creating a ‘plan for spending’ might be the last thing on your mind. Creating... read more →
Exploring My Financial Future - Virtual, 1.5 hours Creating a vision inspires action to make change happen. In this workshop, we build a clear, exciting vision of your future financial... read more →
Este taller les ayudará a descubrir su personalidad, sus valores e intereses para guiarlos en futuras decisiones profesionales que le permitan encontrar la carrera adecuada para usted. Registro: Connecting CO... read more →
CLICK to register Por favor llame al (720) 926-7599 Email: cfarias-sabalo@bouldercounty.org
Overcoming Difficult Work Histories – Virtual, 1.5 hours A bad boss, a toxic workplace, getting fired, burnout… it’s not just you. Many workers have had a difficult work experience that... read more →
Updating and Tailoring Your Resume, Virtual workshop - 1.5 hours It is recommended that you have a clear career direction before taking this class. Learn what the current trends are... read more →
Interview Preparation - Virtual, 2 hours Learn how to interview successfully using a simple formula to showcase your skills and how to prepare good answers to the tough interview questions.... read more →
Working Remotely: Will It Work For You? 1.5 hours, virtual The pandemic has accelerated the move toward remote work. Discover occupations with remote work potential, the essential skills needed to... read more →
Updating and Tailoring Your Resume, Virtual workshop - 1.5 hours It is recommended that you have a clear career direction before taking this class. Learn what the current trends are... read more →
Capable & Confident in the Job Search Virtual, 1.5 hour Job hunting in a pandemic adds a new level of challenge. If you’re discourage and frustrated, this workshop is for... read more →