Interview Preparation - Virtual, 2 hours Learn how to interview successfully using a simple formula to showcase your skills and how to prepare good answers to the tough interview questions.... read more →
Career Exploration, Virtual, 1.5 hours If you are unsure about your next career move this workshop is for you. The career assessment tools we offer will give you insights into... read more →
Working Remotely: Will It Work For You? 1.5 hours, virtual The pandemic has accelerated the move toward remote work. Discover occupations with remote work potential, the essential skills needed to... read more →
Get Strategic About Your Job Search, (Formerly "Virtual Job Search") Virtual, 1.5 hours Tap into the hidden job market and discover the importance of networking in your job search. 50% of... read more →
Introducing, Future of Work, a special workshop collaboration with Katherine Keegan, Director of the Office of the Future of Work with CDLE. The future of work may seem uncertain, scary,... read more →
Este taller les ayudará a descubrir su personalidad, sus valores e intereses para guiarlos en futuras decisiones profesionales que le permitan encontrar la carrera adecuada para usted. Registro: Connecting CO... read more →
Explorando mi Futuro Financiero - 1.5 hours, Virtual Diseñe su futuro financiero y explore estrategias para darle vida a sus metas personales. Por favor llame al (720) 926-7599 Email read more →
Informese para Endeudarse Sabiamente Virtual, 1.5 hours Conozca y comprenda los términos y condiciones asociados con los préstamos para que los mismos nos permitan alcanzar nuestros sueños financieros, sin necesidad... read more →
Todo Acerca de Credito - Virtual, 1.5 hours En esta clase Ud. aprenderá el concepto de la palabra crédito. Comprenderá los componentes de su historial crediticio y como establecer y... read more →
Comprendiendo su Informe de Crédito - Virtual, 1.5 hours En esta clase Ud. aprenderá el concepto de la palabra crédito. Comprenderá los componentes de su historial crediticio y como establecer... read more →