PLEASE READ - This CHFA approved class will help you to determine how much home you can comfortably afford, budget for the upfront and ongoing expenses of homeownership, recognize how... read more →
Budgeting on a Small Income 1.5 hours, Virtual When money is tight and resources are limited, creating a ‘plan for spending’ might be the last thing on your mind. Creating... read more →
Exploring My Financial Future - Virtual, 1.5 hours Creating a vision inspires action to make change happen. In this workshop, we build a clear, exciting vision of your future financial... read more →
Cómo Deshacerse de sus Deudas - Virtual, 1.5 hours Este es un taller práctico para personas que estén endeudadas. Deberá tener acceso a los detalles de sus deudas, que incluyan... read more →
Credit Reporting, Know the Facts! 1.5 hours, Virtual Credit has a huge impact on our financial well-being yet many of us are confused on how credit works. This workshop unravels... read more →
Pathways Out of Debt - Virtual, 1.5 hours Being in debt can feel like a being in a maze with no clear way out. In this workshop, we create your... read more →
Exploring My Financial Future - Virtual, 1.5 hours Creating a vision inspires action to make change happen. In this workshop, we build a clear, exciting vision of your future financial... read more →
Thoughtful Money Management - Virtual 1.5 hours There are many ways to create and utilize a budget AND there is no “one size fits all” model. In this workshop we... read more →
Credit Reporting, Know the Facts! 1.5 hours, Virtual Credit has a huge impact on our financial well-being yet many of us are confused on how credit works. This workshop unravels... read more →
Budgeting on a Small Income 1.5 hours, Virtual When money is tight and resources are limited, creating a ‘plan for spending’ might be the last thing on your mind. Creating... read more →