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November 6, 2019

November 2019 Newsletter for Rainbow Elders

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Rainbow Elders' Newsletter-November 2019

For Boulder County's LGBTQ+ older adults, their allies and the professionals who serve them


We are excited to announce that the tickets for the 19th annual Lavender Gala to celebrate Boulder County’s LGBTQ+ older adult community are on sale now through this link! $10 early bird before Nov. 30 or $15 at the door.

The event will be held on Sunday, Dec. 1 from 1-4 p.m. at Nissi’s Entertainment Venue, 2675 Northpark Drive in Lafayette. Our entertainment lineup includes musician Patty Jackson and DJ Susie Pringle (pictured here). Please note that Dec. 1 is the Sunday after Thanksgiving, so please plan to continue sharing gratitude and giving thanks with us!

If you want to attend the event, and cannot pay the $10, please email Michael at to request a sponsorship. Also, if you need a ride to the Lavender Gala, let Michael know as well. If you are interested in donating to support the event, including sponsorship for others to attend, you can do so when you purchase your tickets through the above Eventbrite link.

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We are pleased to announce that our Rainbow Connections volunteer program was selected to receive funding from the Open Door Grant of St. Andrew Presbyterian Church of Boulder! This money will help us expand the program so we are able to hire and train more volunteers to match with more LGBTQ+ older adults in need of companionship, connection, and community. This relationship is exciting for us to highlight as folks seek out affirming faith-based communities who welcome and accept LGBTQ+ individuals and families. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please apply here. If you are interested in being matched with a volunteer, please contact Michael Chifalo at

Two, three-hour Project Visibility Train-the-Trainer presentations were provided by LGBTQ+ Program Specialist Michael Chifalo (pictured below) to aging services staff in Eugene on Oct. 23 and in Beaverton on Oct. 24. Nearly 70 participants were trained in how to provide Project Visibility, Boulder County Area Agency on Aging's person-centered, cultural-sensitivity training that addresses the particular needs and strengths of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Plus (LGBTQ+) older adults. Participants engaged in meaningful exchange, learning about the menu of various tools they have at their disposal to use to educate others about LGBTQ+ older adults. Attendees particularly enjoyed the Learning Styles Inventory where they were able to identify their dominant style of learning and then join others who were similar to discuss how their style both helped and hindered the process of facilitation. We offer our thanks to Kera Magarill, Older Adult Behavioral Health Specialist from Disability, Aging and Veteran Services of Washington County Department of Health and Human Services for arranging and coordinating this opportunity!


coffee klatch

Our traveling Coffee Klatch has been successful this year with discussions about Nutrition, Medicare, Advance Care Planning, End of Life Planning, Caregiving, and Dementia Safe Homes, Trans* Inclusivity, in addition to collaborations with OASOS and Out Boulder County.

Our Fall series concludes with a discussion about Surviving the Holidays at the Louisville Senior Center, 900 Via Appia Way on Thursday, Nov. 21 from 10-11:30 a.m. We will also spend time discussing our desires and wishes for Coffee Klatch in 2020. For more information, contact Michael Chifalo at


Don't forget Supper Club meets every month for an informal get-together around a meal! This month, we will meet on Thursday, Nov. 14 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at Pinocchio's Italian Restaurant in Longmont at 210 Ken Pratt Boulevard. Please join us for an evening of good food and great company!

