Volunteer Opportunity

Summer Forestry Project

Application or Registration Deadline: 08/16/2019
Project Date: Sat, August 17, 2019 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Opportunity Type: One-Time Volunteer Opportunity
Department: Parks & Open Space
Category: Open Space, Environment, and Gardening

Hall Ranch

Program Summary:

Been missing Hall Ranch? Well, Parks & Open Space has been busy implementing our most recent ponderosa pine restoration project at this amazing open space property. Sawyers have been busy thinning trees on 14 acres near the Nelson House loop and we need your help building slash piles. Please join us and get your hands dirty while learning about your local forests.

* This project cannot be used for court ordered community service

**Persons under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult


Shane Milne

Application Process:


Registration is required through Discover Boulder County, Parks & Open Space’s volunteer and event registration system. If you’re new to the system, you’ll need to create an account. But it’s easy and we only use your contact information to communicate about events you register for. We will never sell or give your information to a third party.