Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Volunteer Opportunity

Area Agency on Aging – Volunteer Class Leader, Powerful Tools for Caregivers (PTC) Course

Application or Registration Deadline: 09/15/2019
Project Start Date: Tue, October 1, 2019 12:00 am
Opportunity Type: Ongoing Volunteer Opportunity
Department: Community Services
Category: Human Services and Public Health
Time Commitment & Minimum Age: Approximately 3 ½ hours, one day per week for six weeks. Once or twice a year, for at least one year.

Class sites rotate throughout Boulder County.

Program Summary:

The Powerful Tools for Caregivers classes help provide family caregivers with tools to increase their self-care and confidence.

Duties and Responsibilities:
  • Teach the PTC course with a trained co-leader
  • Follow the program as designed and scripted (teaching of all tools, following the script, and using visual aids and handouts as prescribed)
  • Adhere to the training agenda as provided in the Class Leader Training Manual
  • Promote a classroom environment that encourages optimal learning for all participants
  • Set up the classroom for each class, and clean it up afterwards
  • Have participants sign in for each class, and send the sign-in sheet to supervisor immediately after class
  • Make no changes in room schedules or class times or cancel any classes without permission from supervisor
  • Refer participants to supervisor as needed for information and assistance
  • Report any concerns or problems immediately to supervisor
  • Notify supervisor immediately if unable to teach a class because of an emergency
Qualifications and Requirements:
  • Awareness of and sensitivity to issues of family caregivers of older adults; experience as a family caregiver preferred
  • Well-organized, focused; ability to present course curriculum clearly and thoroughly
  • Excellent teaching skills; teaching experience preferred
  • General knowledge of BCAAA programs and other local resources for older adults and family caregivers
  • Empathetic, good listener
  • Ability to maintain clear boundaries and keep classes moving forward
  • Ability to relate well with various kinds of people who are in challenging situations
Training Dates and Information:

Required attendance at two-day class leader training, Oct. 10th & 11th, all day in Loveland, CO.

Two-hour orientation on Boulder County Area Agency on Aging (BCAAA) and local resources with supervisor before PTC courses begin.

Supervision: Supervised by Juliette Kershner, Caregiver Initiative Coordinator and/or Rebekah Van Sweden– Caregiver Programs and Project Hope, BCAAA

Evaluation: Supervisor will provide an evaluation of volunteer on yearly basis or more often as needed. Volunteer is encouraged to consult supervisor at any time about issues related to his/her job duties.

Additional Information:


  • Gaining teaching experience
  • Enabling family caregivers to learn needed self-care skills
  • Using personal caregiving experience to benefit others
  • Learning more about local resources for older adults and family caregivers
  • Getting to know a wide variety of family caregivers
  • Helping to further the mission of Boulder County Area Agency on Aging: creating a community in which all age well

Juliette Jonjak Kershner, Caregiver Initiative Coordinator, 303-678-6116

Application Process:

Contact Juliette Jonjak Kershner, Caregiver Initiative Coordinator, 303-678-6116