Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Volunteer Opportunity

Restorative Justice Facilitator

Opportunity Type: Ongoing Volunteer Opportunity
Department: District Attorney
Category: Criminal Justice and Public Safety
Time Commitment & Minimum Age: One year commitment to volunteer and attend monthly team meetings. Minimum age 16.

Boulder County Justice Center, 1777 Sixth Street, Boulder, CO/Longmont Combined Courts, 1035 N. Kimbark Ave., Longmont, CO

Program Summary:

CPRJ’s in-house Restorative Justice Program (DARJ) provides high-quality restorative justice services in conjunction with diversion services, supporting the person who committed the crime to understand the impact of their actions, take meaningful responsibility, and repair the harm to the extent possible.

Duties and Responsibilities:

Restorative Justice Facilitators help to guide parties involved in a crime through the restorative justice process and support those parties to create an agreement for steps the offender will take to repair harm. Cases involve ~10 hours of volunteer time spread out over the course of 3-10 weeks. Duties include facilitation, scheduling, debriefing/follow-up with Program Coordinator, participation in monthly team meetings.

Qualifications and Requirements:

•Interest working with the public in a person-centered capacity
•Bilingual in Spanish and English preferred
•Experience with facilitation/conflict resolution preferred
•Working knowledge of/interest in restorative justice values and principles
•Excellent verbal and written skills
•Ability to maintain accurate records
•Ability/willingness to learn to use Zoom and navigate our online volunteer database.

Training Dates and Information:

Volunteers must attend a 4-hour introductory training, held twice a year, and a 20-hour RJ Facilitator Training, held once annually in the DA’s Office, usually in late Winter/early Spring.


District Attorney’s Office Volunteer Coordinator, Denise Lord email address:

Application Process:

Complete online application and interview process. To learn more, please contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Denise Lord –