Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Highway 119 First and Final Mile Study

Highway 119 First and Final Mile Study

Highway 119 First and Final Mile Study graphic

Study Overview

Boulder County is working in partnership with Commuting Solutions, City of Longmont and City of Boulder in developing a First and Final Mile (FFM) Study for State Highway 119 (SH 119), also known as the Diagonal Highway. The purpose of this study is to identify strategies, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, programs, and services to increase access and ridership on the future 119 Bus Rapid Transit (BRT).

A first or final mile gap is a barrier that discourages potential riders from using transit because a station cannot be easily accessed from home, work, or other destinations. The purpose of the study is to identify strategies, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, programs, and service to overcome that gap and increase access and ridership on the future CO-119 Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and bikeway corridor.

Visit Commuting Solutions – First and Final Mile for more information on the study, or view an overview of the Highway 119 corridor plan.

SH 119 First and Final Mile Study Draft Report

Boulder County is currently looking for input on the draft report for the First and Final Mile Study for SH 119, between Boulder and Longmont. The study discusses recommendations that will consider how the stations vary across the corridor, bicycle and pedestrian connections, wayfinding signage, shared parking, microtransit and Transportation Demand Management strategies.

Documents: SH119 First and Final Mile Study Report Draft cover

Leave Comments on Draft Report

SH 119 Information and Resources

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