Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Land Use Reviews for Small Renewable Energy Systems – SPR07
Decorative image of solar panels on roof tops.

Land Use Reviews for Small Renewable Energy Systems - SPR07

Small Renewable Energy Systems

Wind and solar energy systems can be either accessory uses (they only provide energy to the principaluse on the property) or principal uses (the only or primary use of the parcel is the renewable energy system itself). Smaller systems that meet certain requirements in the Boulder County Land Use Codemay be built with just a building permit. Smaller systems that cannot be approved with just a building permit may generally be approved through Site Plan Review Waiver (SPRW) or Site Plan Review (SPR) depending on the type of system and overall size of the proposal. Larger renewable energy systems require land use reviews as well, but these types of systems are not covered in this handout. All of these uses require Building Permits. For those systems that require SPRW, the typical pre-application conference is not required – you can use this Land Use Publication to prepare your application. Of course, staff is available to answer questions over the counter, over the phone, or at a Pre-applicationConference (if you would like one).

Submit your application for a Small Renewable Energy System online:

  • Log in (create an account if you don’t have one), then select>
  • “Start a New Application”>
  • “Planning”> (Temporary technical issue: Blank tile squares can be viewed by hovering over each tile with your mouse)
  • “Planning Application Request”>
  • “Site Plan Review Waiver for Renewable Energy System.”

You can use our Small Renewable Energy System Checklist as a guide for what you will need for your application.

If you have any questions contact us at or 303-441-3930.

Review Process Triggers

Small Wind-Powered Energy System

A wind energy conversion system which may include a wind turbineand blades, a tower, and associated control or conversion electronics:

  • A small Wind-Powered Energy System that is the principal use on a parcel and meets the zone height maximum of the zoning district (i.e., 30 feet in the Suburban Residential zone district) requires Site Plan Review Waiver (SPRW).
  • A small Wind-Powered Energy System that is the principal use on a parcel and is taller than the zone height maximum of the zoning district, but less than 80 feet, requires Site Plan Review (SPR).
  • A small-Wind Powered Energy System that is an accessory use on a parcel may be approved withjust a Building Permit if the system is roof mounted and less than 5 feet.
  • A small Wind-Powered Energy System that is an accessory use on a parcel and is less than the zone height maximum in the zoning district OR roof-mounted five (5) to fifteen (15) feet above the roof requires SPRW.
  • A small Wind-Powered Energy System that is an accessory use on a parcel and is taller than the zone height maximum of the zoning district, but less than 80 feet, requires SPR

Solar Energy – Building-Mounted System

A solar energy system mounted on or integrated into theconstruction of a structure, such as, but not limited to, a roof-mounted solar energy system:

  • A small Solar Energy System may be approved with just a Building Permit if the system is roof-mounted.

Solar Energy – Ground-Mounted System

A solar energy system mounted on a rack or poles that rests on or is attached to the ground, not including a solar energy system mounted on parking canopies:

  • A small Ground-Mounted Solar Energy System that is the principal use on a parcel and is less than half of an acre requires SPRW.
  • A small Ground-Mounted Solar Energy System that is the principal use on a parcel and is more than half of an acre requires SPR.
  • A small Ground-Mounted Solar Energy system that meets the requirements of Article 4-516.L.5.e may be approved with just a Building Permit
  • A small Ground-Mounted Solar Energy System that is an accessory use on the parcel, does not meet the parameters of Article 4-51.L.5.e, AND is less than half of an acre requires a SPRW.
  • A small Ground-Mounted Solar Energy System that is an accessory use on the parcel and is more than half of an acre requires SPR.

Temporary Weather Device Tower

A tower erected for the express purpose of mounting an anemometeror other weather device:

  • A Temporary Weather Device Tower may be approved with just a Building Permit if the system isno taller than 80 feet and will operate less than two years.

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