Boulder County Planning Publications
Native Seed Mixes - P18
Plains Seed Mix
Common Name | Latin Name | Variety | % of Mix | #PLS/Acre |
Side Oats Grama | Bouteloua curtipendula | Vaughn | 10 | 2.74 |
Blue Grama | Bouteloua gracilis | Alma or Hachita | 16 | 1.01 |
Buffalograss | Buchloe dactyloides | Plains, Sharp's Improved, Cody, Bowie | 8 | 7.47 |
Squirreltail | Elymus elymoides | Pueblo or Wapiti | 4 | 1.09 |
Slender Wheatgrass | Elymus trachycaulus | San Luis, First Strike, or Pryor | 10 | 3.29 |
Switchgrass | Panicum virgatum | Blackwell or NE 28 | 4 | 0.54 |
Western Wheatgrass | Pascopyrum smithii | Arriba | 14 | 4.75 |
Little Bluestem | Schizachyrium scoparium | Cimarron or Pastura | 6 | 1.21 |
Green Needlegrass | Stipa viridula | Lodorm | 6 | 1.73 |
Sterile Triticale | Triticum x Secale | Quickguard | 2 | 5.36 |
Common Name | Latin Name | Variety | % of Mix | #PLS/Acre |
Fringed Sage | Artemisia frigida | VNS | 3 | 0.03 |
Blanketflower | Gaillardia aristata | Native or Meriweather | 5 | 1.98 |
Yellow Aster | Heterotheca villosa | VNS | 3 | 0.23 |
Lewis' Flax | Linum lewisii | Native or Maple Grove | 4 | 0.71 |
Yellow Coneflower | Ratibida columnifera | Native or Stillwater | 5 | 0.29 |
Totals | 100 | 32.43 |
Rates are for broadcasting. If using a seed drill, reduce rates by half.
PLS = Pure Live Seed
Plains Right of Way (ROW) Seed Mix
Below 5,500 Feet
Common Name | Latin Name | Variety | % of mix | #PLS/Acre |
Side Oats Grama | Bouteloua curtipendula | Vaughn | 6 | 1.64 |
Blue Grama | Bouteloua gracilis | Alma or Hachita | 15 | 0.95 |
Buffalograss | Buchloe dactyloides | Plains, Sharp's Improved, Cody, Bowie | 10 | 9.33 |
Inland Saltgrass | Distichlis spicata | VNS | 10 | 1.01 |
Streambank Wheatgrass | Elymus lanceolatus | Sodar | 13 | 4.36 |
Slender Wheatgrass | Elymus trachycaulus | Pryor or San Luis | 8 | 2.63 |
Switchgrass | Panicum virgatum | Blackwell or NE 28 | 8 | 1.08 |
Western Wheatgrass | Pascopyrum smithii | Arriba | 12 | 5.70 |
Alkali Sacaton | Sporobolus airoides | Salado | 7 | 0.21 |
Sand Dropseed | Sporobolus cryptandrus | VNS | 7 | 0.07 |
Sterile Triticale | Triticum x Secale | Quickguard | 4 | 5.36 |
Totals | 100 | 32.34 |
Rates are for broadcasting. If using a seed drill, reduce rates by half.
PLS = Pure Live Seed
Wildfire Partner Foothill Mix
5,500 Feet to 7,000 Feet
Common Name | Latin Name | Variety | % of mix | #PLS/Acre |
Side Oats Grama | Bouteloua curtipendula | Vaughn | 5 | 1.37 |
Blue Grama | Bouteloua gracilis | Native or Birdseye | 16 | 0.95 |
Squirrel Tail | Elymus elymoides | Pueblo | 14 | 4.9 |
Thickspike/Streambank Wheatgrass | Elymus lanceolatus | Sodar or Critana | 8 | 3.35 |
Slender Wheatgrass | Elymus trachycaulus | Pryor or First Strike | 7 | 2.63 |
Mountain Fescue | Festuca saximontana | Native | 6 | 0.24 |
Junegrass | Koeleria macrantha | UP Sims Mesa or Native | 6 | 0.37 |
Sandberg Bluegrass | Poa secunda | UP Colorado or High Plains | 10 | 0.68 |
Little Bluestem | Schizachyrium scoparium | Pastura or Cimarron | 6 | 1.21 |
Sterile Triticale | Triticum x Secale | QuickGuard | 3 | 6.03 |
Common Name | Latin Name | Variety | % of mix | #PLS/Acre |
Western Yarrow | Achillea lanulosa or millefolium var. occidentalis | VNS | 2 | 0.04 |
Prairie Sage | Artemesia ludoviciana | VNS | 4 | 0.03 |
Sulphur Flower | Eriogonum umbellatum | VNS | 4 | 0.84 |
Hairy Goldenaster | Heterotheca villosa | VNS | 4 | 0.23 |
Yellow Coneflower | Ratibida columnifera | VNS | 5 | 0.21 |
Totals | 100 | 23.08 |
Rates are for broadcasting. If using a seed drill, reduce rates by half.
PLS = Pure Live Seed
VNS = Variety Not Stated
Mountain Mix
7,000 Feet and Higher
Common Name | Latin Name | Variety | % of mix | #PLS/Acre |
Blue Grama | Bouteloua gracilis | Alma or Hachita | 14 | 0.89 |
Nodding Brome | Bromus ciliatus | VNS | 7 | 2.61 |
Canada Wildrye | Elymus canadensis | Mandan or Helena Valley | 10 | 4.55 |
Squirrel Tail | Elymus elymoides | Pueblo or Wapiti | 6 | 1.63 |
Thickspike Wheatgrass | Elymus lanceolatus | Critana | 12 | 4.02 |
Slender Wheatgrass | Elymus trachycaulus | San Luis or First Strike | 8 | 2.63 |
Rocky Mtn Fescue | Festuca saximontana | VNS | 7 | 0.30 |
Junegrass | Koeleria macrantha | UP Sims Mesa | 6 | 0.14 |
Mountain Muhly | Muhlenbergia montana | VNS | 6 | 0.23 |
Sterile Triticale | Triticum x Secale | Quickguard | 2 | 4.02 |
Common Name | Latin Name | Variety | % of mix | #PLS/Acre |
Louisiana Sage | Artemisia ludoviciana | VNS | 2 | 0.02 |
Harebell | Campanula rotundifolia | VNS | 3 | 0.02 |
Sulfur Flower | Eriogonum umbellatum | VNS | 5 | 1.24 |
Purple Geranium | Geranium caespitosum | VNS | 2 | 2.01 |
Yellow Aster | Heterotheca villosa | VNS | 3 | 0.23 |
Scarlet Gilia | Ipomopsis aggregata | VNS | 2 | 0.29 |
Smooth Aster | Aster laevis or Symphotrichium laeve | VNS | 3 | 0.12 |
Tall Yellow Coneflower | Rudbeckia lanciniata | VNS | 2 | 0.41 |
Totals | 100 | 25.36 |
Rates are for broadcasting. If using a seed drill, reduce rates by half.
PLS = Pure Live Seed
VNS = Variety Not Stated
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