R390.4.4 Fences, retaining walls and similar appurtenances
Fences, retaining walls or other appurtenances that connect to buildings must be constructed of noncombustible materials or ignition-resistant materials for a distance of 5-feet beyond the exterior walls.
R390.4.5 Overhanging projections
All exterior projections including, but not limited to, exterior balconies, carports, decks, patio covers, porch ceilings, unenclosed roofs and floors, overhanging buildings and similar architectural appendages and projections shall be protected as specified in this section.
R390.4.5.1 Exterior open covers, patio covers, porch ceilings, roof eaves, soffits and cornices
The exposed underside of exterior patio ceilings, porch ceilings, rafter or truss eaves, soffits, and cornices shall be protected by one of the following:
- Noncombustible material.
- Ignition-resistant material.
- Heavy timber construction.
- 3/4-inch-thick nominal fire retardant-treated plywood labeled for exterior use.
- Any approved inherently noncombustible material as defined by the NFPA, with approved defensible space within 12-feet (3658 mm) above grade.
Rafter tails or roof beam ends may be exposed if they are heavy timber having minimum dimensions not less than 6- inch (152 mm) nominal in width and not less than 8-inches (203 mm) nominal in depth.
R390. Protection of fascia
The leading edge of the roof at the fascia must be finished with a metal drip edge so that no wood sheathing is exposed.
R390. Soffits and eaves extending over horizontal surfaces
“Combustible materials” (materials not considered noncombustible), including wood products, are not allowed to be installed within 6-inches (152 mm) of a horizontal surface, including but not limited to dormer roof eaves, roof eaves that extend over grade or decks, and areas where embers may accumulate within 6-inches (152 mm) of the eave.
Noncombustible materials shall be used on soffits and eaves within 6-inches (152 mm) of an adjacent horizontal and sloped surface, including grade, deck, or roof construction.
R390.4.5.2 Floor projections including unenclosed under floor protection 12 feet or less above finished grade
Buildings or structures shall have all underfloor areas enclosed to the ground with exterior walls in accordance with Section R390.4.6. For decks, see Section R390.4.8.
Complete enclosure of floor projections and unenclosed floor areas exposed to the exterior may be omitted the exposed underside of cantilevered floor projections and exposed, unenclosed floor areas less than 12 feet (3658 mm) above grade or the surface, measured at any portion below, are protected by one of the following:
- Heavy timber construction.
- 3/4-inch (19.0 mm) thick nominal fire retardant-treated plywood labeled for exterior use.
- One layer of 5/8-inch (15.9 mm) Type X exterior gypsum sheathing applied behind an exterior covering on the underside of the floor projection. Where finish materials are applied to the surface, those materials must be ignition resistant.
- The exterior portion of a 1-hour fire-resistance-rated exterior assembly, as tested in accordance with ASTM E119 or UL 263, applied to the underside of the ceiling, roof ceiling or floor/ceiling, assembly, including assemblies using the gypsum panel and sheathing products listed in the Gypsum Association Fire Resistance Design Manual. Where finish materials are applied to the surface, those materials must be ignition resistant.
- Materials approved for not less than 1-hour fire resistance-rated construction on the exterior side, as tested in accordance with ASTM E119 or UL 263. Where finish materials are applied to the surface, those materials must be ignition resistant.
R390.4.5.3 Floor projections including unenclosed under floor protection 200 square feet or less in area or greater than 12 feet above finished grade
Buildings or structures shall have all underfloor areas enclosed to the ground with exterior walls in accordance with Section R390.4.6. For decks, see Section R390.4.8.
Complete enclosure of floor projections and unenclosed floor areas exposed to the exterior may be omitted where the exposed underside of cantilevered floor projections and exposed, unenclosed floor areas greater 12 feet (3658 mm) above grade or the surface, measured at any portion below, are protected by one of the following:
- Any method listed in R390.4.5.2.
- Noncombustible material.
- Ignition-resistant material.
- Heavy timber construction.
- 3/4-inch-thick nominal fire retardant-treated plywood labeled for exterior use.
- Any inherently noncombustible material as defined by the NFPA.
R390.4.6 Exterior walls
Exterior walls of buildings or structures shall be constructed with one of the following methods:
- Approved noncombustible materials.
- Heavy timber construction or log wall construction.
- Fire-retardant-treated wood labeled for exterior use on the exterior side.
- Ignition-resistant materials on the exterior side.
- Such material shall extend from the top of the foundation to the underside of the roof sheathing.
“Combustible materials” are materials not considered noncombustible, including wood products, are not allowed to be installed within 6-inches (152 mm) of a horizontal surface that extends 6-inches (152 mm) from the vertical plane of the wall. Noncombustible materials shall be used on walls within 6-inches (152 mm) of an adjacent horizontal surface, including grade, deck, or roof construction.
Trim is not required to meet the materials requirements for exterior walls, where installed more than 6-inches (152 mm) above grade, floor, deck, or roof where wall abuts the horizontal surface.
R390.4.6.1 The base of exterior walls
The base of exterior walls, posts or columns shall be protected on the bottom side with provisions such as metal flashing or wire mesh having openings no larger than 1/8-inch (3.2 mm) to protect them from ember intrusion and still allow for weeping and moisture control.
R390.4.7 Reserved
R390.4.8 Decks, appendages, and projections
Decks and other unenclosed accessory structures attached to buildings shall be constructed of the following materials:
R390.4.8.1 Deck surface:
Noncombustible material, approved wood thermoplastic composite lumber with an ASTM E84 flame spread index no greater than 200, ignition-resistant building materials, or any approved Class A roof assembly.
R390.4.8.2 Deck framing:
Deck framing shall be constructed of one of the following:
- Metal
- Heavy timber construction.
- Approved noncombustible materials.
- Fire-retardant-treated wood labeled for exterior use.
- Ignition-resistant building materials.
- Wood with a minimum nominal thickness of at least 2-inches for joists and 2-2x members for beams and columns or posts, fastened tightly together.
R390.4.8.3 Deck Rails:
Horizontal deck rails and guard rails shall be constructed of materials allowed under R390.4.8.1 and R390.4.8.2 where within 5-feet of the exterior walls.
R390.4.8.4 Decks less than 4 feet above finished grade
Decks that are less than 4 feet to the deck walking surface shall be enclosed with noncombustible corrosion-resistant mesh with openings not to exceed 1/8 inches, or other approved materials. Enclosure shall not restrict clearance required for emergency escape and rescue openings required in IRC section R310 and IBC section 1031. The area beneath the deck shall be cleared of vegetation, debris, building materials, and combustible storage.
R390.4.8.5 Pergolas and similar construction
Pergola framing shall be constructed of one of the following:
- Metal
- Heavy timber construction.
- Approved noncombustible materials.
- Fire-retardant-treated wood labeled for exterior use.
- Ignition-resistant building materials.
- Wood with a minimum nominal thickness of at least 2-inches for joists and 2-2x members for beams and columns or posts, fastened tightly together.
R390.4.9 Exterior windows and glazing
Exterior windows, window walls, glazed doors, windows within exterior doors, and skylights shall be tempered glass, multilayered glazing, glass block, or have a fire protection rating of not less than 20 minutes. Unless they are part of a fire-rated assembly, window frames and sashes may be of any material permitted by this code.
- Windows with unreinforced vinyl frames or sashes are not permitted.
- Individual buildings or structures on a property located in Wildfire Zone 2-East County are not required to comply with R390.4.9.
R390.4.10 Exterior doors
Exterior doors and garage doors shall be approved noncombustible construction, metal clad, solid core wood not less than 1-3/4 inches in thickness, or have a fire protection rating of not less than 20 minutes. Windows within doors and glazed doors shall be in accordance with Section R390.4.9.
- Vehicle access doors.
- Individual buildings or structures on a property located in Wildfire Zone 2-East County are not required to comply with R390.4.10.
R390.4.11 Vents
Where provided, ventilation openings for enclosed attics, gable ends, ridge ends, under eaves and cornices, enclosed eave soffit spaces, enclosed rafter spaces formed where ceilings are applied directly to the underside of ceilings are applied directly to the underside of roof rafters, underfloor ventilation, foundations and crawl spaces, or any other opening intended to permit ventilation, either in horizontal or vertical surface, including but not limited to rain screens, shall be in accordance with Section R390.4.11.1 or section R390.4.11.2 to resist building ignition from the intrusion of burning embers and flame through the ventilation openings.
R390.4.11.1 Performance requirements
Ventilation openings shall be fully covered with listed vents tested in accordance with ASTM E2886, to demonstrate compliance with all of the following requirements.
- There shall be no flaming ignition of cotton material during the Ember Intrusion Test.
- There shall be no flaming or ignition during Integrity Test portion of the Flame Intrusion Test.
- The maximum temperature of the unexposed side of the vent shall not exceed 662 deg F.
R390.4.11.2 Prescriptive requirements
Where provided, attic ventilation openings, foundation or underfloor vents, or other ventilation openings vertical or horizontal surfaces and vents through roofs shall not exceed 144 square inches each. Such vents shall be covered with noncombustible corrosion resistant mesh with openings not to exceed 1/8-inch (3.2 mm) or shall be designed and approved to prevent flame or ember penetration into the structure.