Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Eldorado Springs LID Advisory Committee

Eldorado Springs Local Improvement District Advisory Committee (ESLIDAC)

Eldorado Springs Petition to Form Public Improvement District BOCC Public Hearing

Community signatures have been gathered to create a Public Improvement District (PID) for the purpose of operating and maintaining the Eldorado Springs sewage treatment plant and collection system serving properties in the existing Local Improvement District (LID). The Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) will hold a public hearing to consider the petition for organizing the district. The BOCC Public Hearing on Eldorado Springs PID Petition took place Thursday, Aug. 1. View the public notice for the PID meeting.

RESOLUTION NO. 2024-056 A Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Boulder County describing a proposal to authorize the formation of the Eldorado Springs Public Improvement District and other related matters.

LID Background

ESLIDAC acts as a communication link between the ratepayers and residents of the ESLID I and II, the service providers who provide operations and administrative services to the districts (at the current time, ORC Water Professionals and SDMS), and the Board of Directors (BOCC). ESLIDAC also advises the Board on issues pertinent to the implementation of the public improvements serving the District.

Meeting Schedule

ESLIDAC meets the third Thursday of each month 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Meetings are open to the public and allow time for public comment.

To sign-up to attend the virtual meetings and receive meeting notices and agendas, please contact: Taylor Ladenburg or call 303-441-4873

Current Members

Up to five members represent various segments of the Eldorado Springs community. Members are appointed by the Board of County Commissioners.

  • Virginia Gurley – Chair
  • Alex North – Vice Chair
  • Virginia Gurley
  • Alex North
  • Janet Robinson

Helpful Information

Sewer Problems - Emergency Procedures

If you experience a sewer problem, please call ORC Water Professionals at 720-287-0605, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Their operators will respond within 60-minutes. Backups on the District’s side of the sewer connection will be handled by ORC. Backups on the private sewer line may be the responsibility of the homeowner.

Learn More About Your Sewer Line

Map of Properties in the Eldorado Springs Local Improvement District

Email ORC Water Professionals at

Sewage Payment Billing Questions

Call Special District Management Company (SDMS)
Contact the LID Liaison for questions about rate changes due to additions made on homes (contact info to the left)

Eldorado Springs Wastewater Treatment Plant

What you need to know about your sewer system.

The wastewater treatment and conveyance system for the Eldorado Springs Improvement District is state of the art, yet should not be considered as robust as a “normal” municipal sewage system, with gravity collection lines and industrial scale treatment plant. The treatment plant is based on biological processes, and the “bugs” that break down the waste also require some special considerations.

• Glass
• Metal
• Goldfsh stone
• Seafood shells
• Plastic objects (toys, utensils, etc.)
• Sanitary napkins or tampons
• Diapers, socks, ,rags or cloth
• Flushable wipe
• Kitty litter (even disposable litter)
• Explosives
• Flammable material
• Strong chemicals
• Gasoline
• Lubricating oil and/or grease
• Rope or string
• Dental Floss

Introduction of any or all of the above mentioned items to your Environment One (E-One) Grinder Pump could void the warranty and the homeowner may be liable for repair or replacement.

If your home/building is unoccupied for longer than a couple of weeks:

  1. Purge the system.
  2. Run clean water into the unit until the pump activates.
  3. Immediately turn water off and allow grinder pump to run until it shuts off automatically.

Your grinder pump cannot dispose of wastewater without electrical power. If electrical power service is interrupted, keep water usage to a minimum.

Your E-One grinder pump has been manufactured to produce an alarm signal in the event of a high water level in the basin. The installer must see that the alarm signal provided is connected to an audible and/or visual alarm in such a manner as to provide adequate warning to the user that service is required.

DO NOT do use any water until talking with ORC Water Professionals!

High level will happen and the light will come on, but it is NOT common for the light to stay on for more than 2-3 minutes. DO NOT do anything until speaking with ORC Water Professionals

• DON’T block access to your grinder pump lid. Keep area clear for easy access.

• DON’T put food down your sink. The disposal is not your friend! Scrape your dishes off into the trash.

• DON’T pour grease and oil down your sink. Grease is a coagulant and it only takes a short amount of time to clog. Pour all grease and oil into a separate container for proper disposal or recycle.

• DON’T put powered laundry detergent or dishwasher soap down your disposal. It will block your pipes.

• DO use a portable tub or plug your sink to wash fruits and vegetables. Save this water for your plants!

• DON’T pour toxic pesticides down your sink. When mixed with cold water, they can form hard deposits in the line and eat the pipes.

• DON’T wash paint (oil based or water based) down the sink. This will clog your pipes.

• DON’T use calcium chlorate in your sink, as you would use for your septic system. When mixed with water, it forms a cement-like compound that can easily plug your drainage system.

• DON’T wash oils used for mechanics or cleaning down your sink. In addition to being bad for your pipes, they are also bad for the environment and should be disposed of/recycled properly.

• DON’T wash down baby oil, moisturizer, liquid eye liner or oil-based soaps. They can block your pipes in any quantity-large or small.

• DON’T wash hair down the drain. Use a hair trap and use drain cleaner once a month

If you experience a sewer problem, please call:

ORC Water Professionals at 720-287-0605 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Our operators will be there within 60 minutes. If the backup is on the District’s side of the sewer connection, ORC will handle the backup. Should the backup be in the private sewer line, the homeowner may be responsible for unclogging the backup, as well as any remediation that may be necessary.
Your E-One System Contact:

ORC Water Professionals (720) 287-0605

Boulder County Liaison

Special Districts Coordinator

Taylor Ladenburg,, 303-441-4873