Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Falls Prevention

Falls Prevention Resources

Falls Prevention Month 2024 Schedule

One in four Americans aged 65 and over fall each year. A fall can have serious impacts on long-term health, day-to-day function, and independence. The good news is that many falls can be prevented. Join us to learn how strengthening community connections can keep you and those you care for safe with our activities during Falls Prevention Month 2024.

If you are already exercising on a regular basis, keep it up! If you haven’t been active in the last few years, don’t worry. But remember to check in with your doctor before starting to find out which types of exercise are best for you.

3rd Law Dance/Theater Dance for Parkinson’s Disease

Presented by 3rd Law Dance/Theater

When: Tuesday, Sept. 3, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Where: Online (Zoom)

What: Join 3rd Law Dance/Theater during Falls Prevention month for free online movement classes for people living with mobility challenges. Enjoy a live, interactive, community experience from the comfort of home. No dance experience is required. Seated or standing, explore diverse dance styles and address balance, flexibility, and confidence through joyful physical activity. Families, friends and care-partners are welcome!


Questions: Please reach out to Lisa Johnston at 720-263-1553 or

Introduction to Tai Chi for Fall Prevention

Presented by City of Boulder Older Adult Services

When: Tuesday, Sept. 3, noon-1 p.m.

Where: East Age Well Center (5660 Sioux Dr., Boulder)

What: Tai Chi is a mind-body exercise utilizing slow, relaxed movement, a quiet mind, and deep, natural breathing that stimulates the flow of qi or chi (intrinsic energy). Join Older Adult Services Instructor, Steve Arney, for an introduction to tai chi, emphasizing balance, and including time for questions and answers.

Registration: Call 303-413-7290 or register online.

Questions? Call Maureen Dobson at 303-441-3012.

Move with Ease: A Free Introduction to Feldenkrais

Presented by City of Boulder Older Adult Services

When: Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2:30-4 p.m.

Where: East Age Well Center (5660 Sioux Dr., Boulder)

What: The Feldenkrais Method of Somatic Education® helps participants learn to move with ease using slow, mindful movements to achieve powerful results in terms of balance, flexibility, and coordination. Feldenkrais relates directly to functional movements of daily life and an improved sense of grounding and support. Lessons will be done seated, standing, and lying on a mat. Instructor: Gil Kelly personally trained with Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais, and has been teaching the Feldenkrais Method for 40 years.

Registration: Call 303-413-7290 or register online.

Questions? Call Maureen Dobson at 303-441-3012.

Pickleball Fall Prevention

Presented by the Lafayette Senior Center

When: Wednesday, Sept. 4, 2:30-3:30 p.m.

Where: Lafayette Senior Center (103 S Iowa Ave., Lafayette)

What: Doctor of Physical Therapy and Pickleball treatment specialist, Charlotte Robinson will discuss ways to avoid court injury. Learn about safety, balance, and other common injury prevention tips to keep you safe on the courts and improve your confidence while playing. She’ll be taking a deep dive into how our balance system works, joints that are vital to maintaining good balance to avoid falls and addressing the three most common injuries seen in pickleball players over 65.

Registration: Call 303-665-9052 or register online.

3rd Law Dance/Theater’s In Motion Project

Presented by 3rd Law Dance/Theater in partnership with Boulder Community Health Foundation

When: Thursday, Sept. 5, 11:30-12:30 p.m.

Where: Online (Zoom)

What: Join 3rd Law Dance/Theater during Falls Prevention month for free online movement classes for people living with mobility challenges. Enjoy a live, interactive, community experience from the comfort of home. No dance experience is required. Seated or standing, explore diverse dance styles and address balance, flexibility, and confidence through joyful physical activity. Families, friends and care-partners are welcome!


Questions: Please reach out to Lisa Johnston at 720-263-1553 or

Dance for Balance with 3rd Law Dance/Theater

Presented by 3rd Law Dance/Theater in partnership with City of Boulder Older Adult Services

When: Thursday, Sept. 5, 1-2 p.m.

Where: West Age Well Center (909 Arapahoe Ave., Boulder)

What: During Falls Prevention Month enjoy free dance classes offered by 3rd Law Dance/Theater. Based on the renowned Dance for PD® methodology, classes are designed for people living with Parkinson’s but benefit anyone with mobility concerns. No dance experience is required. Seated or standing, explore diverse dance styles and address balance, flexibility, and confidence through joyful physical activity.

Registration: Call 303-441-3148 or register online.

Questions? Call Maureen Dobson at 303-441-3012.

Stepping On – Fall Prevention Series (This series lasts seven weeks.)

Presented by the City of Boulder Older Adult Services

When: Thursday, Sept. 5 through Oct. 17, 2-4 p.m.

Where: East Age Well Center (5660 Sioux Dr., Boulder)

What: This seven-week series is based on behavior change and prevention, focusing on balance and strength exercises, medication review, vision review and home modifications. Participants will learn to build and maintain the physical strength and balance to walk confidently, what may increase the risk of a fall and how to avoid it, and how to make an individualized fall prevention action plan. Instructors: Injury prevention professionals from Boulder Fire-Rescue, Boulder Community Health and Intermountain Health

Registration: Register by calling 303-413-7489 or register online.

Questions? Call Maureen Dobson at 303-441-3012.

Chair Yoga

Presented by the Longmont Senior Center

When: Friday, Sept. 6, 9:30-10:15 a.m.

Where: Longmont Senior Center (910 Longs Peak Ave., Longmont)

What: Part of the National Falls Prevention Month lineup, join us for an all-levels practice designed to calm the mind and improve balance.

Registration: Please call 303-651-8411 to register.

In Body Assessments

Presented by Louisville Senior Services

When: Friday, Sept. 6, 9:30-11:30 a.m.

What: Louisville Recreation & Senior Center, Sunnyside Assessment Room (900 W. Via Appia, Louisville)

What: Go beyond the scale! In just 50 seconds, the InBody Test Result Sheet will show your body fat, muscle, and body water, giving you a better understanding of your weight and health. We will be primarily focused on the breakdown of your muscle mass and how it relates to balance. Trainers will be offering free In Body Assessments. Appointments are 20 minutes. More information about how to prepare will be shared leading up to your scheduled appointment.

Registration: Call Katie at 303-335-4919 or register online.

Questions? Call Katie Tofte at 303-335-4919.

Dance for Parkinson’s Disease

Presented by UCHealth Longs Peak Hospital

When: Friday, Sept. 6, 10-11 a.m.

Where: UCHealth Longs Peak Hospital, 3rd floor conference rooms A/B (1750 E Ken Pratt Blvd, Longmont)

What: Dance for PD is an internationally-acclaimed program that offers research-backed dance classes for people with Parkinson’s disease and other mobility barriers.

Registration: Not required.

Programa Danza Para Todos (Danza Para Parkinson)de 3rd Law Dance/Theater

Presentado por 3rd Law Dance/Theater

Cuándo: viernes 6 de septiembre a las 12-1 p.m.

Dónde: En Línea (Zoom)

Descripción: Clases de movimiento gratuitas en español para personas con Parkinson u otras retos de movilidad. La danza mejora la movilidad, resistencia, equilibrio y fuerza a través de una actividad física alegre y en comunidad. No se necesita experiencia.

Para inscribirse:

Preguntas: contactar

3rd Law Dance/Theater Dance for Parkinson’s Disease

Presented by 3rd Law Dance/Theater

When: Saturday, Sept. 7, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Where: Online (Zoom)

What: Join 3rd Law Dance/Theater during Falls Prevention month for free online movement classes for people living with mobility challenges. Enjoy a live, interactive, community experience from the comfort of home. No dance experience is required. Seated or standing, explore diverse dance styles and address balance, flexibility, and confidence through joyful physical activity. Families, friends and care-partners are welcome!


Questions: Please reach out to Lisa Johnston at 720-263-1553 or

Tai Chi for Fall Prevention (This class runs for eight weeks.)

Presented by Longmont Senior Center

When: Mondays, Sept. 9-Oct 26

Where: Longmont Senior Center (910 Longs Peak Ave., Longmont)

What: Falls are a major concern for elderly folks. Hospitals see up to one million patient falls per year and spend an average of $14,000 on each one. Tai Chi has been proven in scientific studies to help prevent falls. The slow, mindful movements result in more energy, looser joints, and better balance. This class is modeled on the Centers for Disease Control STEADI programs which are designed and tested to reduce falls in seniors. Instructor: Steve Elliott

Registration: Please call 303-651-8411 to register. This class is free to Longmont residents, with a sponsorship from the Friends of the Longmont Senior Center. Non-residents may register for $88.

Questions? Email

3rd Law Dance/Theater Dance for Parkinson’s Disease

Presented by 3rd Law Dance/Theater

When: Tuesday, Sept. 10, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Where: Online (Zoom)

What: Join 3rd Law Dance/Theater during Falls Prevention month for free online movement classes for people living with mobility challenges. Enjoy a live, interactive, community experience from the comfort of home. No dance experience is required. Seated or standing, explore diverse dance styles and address balance, flexibility, and confidence through joyful physical activity. Families, friends and care-partners are welcome!


Questions: Please reach out to Lisa Johnston at 720-263-1553 or

Walking-Gait Tips and Tricks

Presented by Louisville Senior Services

When: Wednesday, Sept. 11, 9-10 a.m.

Where: Louisville Recreation & Senior Center, Turf Gym (900 W. Via Appia, Louisville)

What: Focus on the biomechanics, techniques, and principles of walking to improve efficiency, comfort, and health. You’ll learn the mechanics of each step, learn how posture and alignment can prevent injury, explore different foot strike patterns and cadence adjustments, and identify key muscles involved in walking and how to strengthen them for power and endurance.

Registration: Call Katie at 303-335-4919 or register online.

Questions? Call Katie Tofte at 303-335-4919.

3rd Law Dance/Theater’s In Motion Project

Presented by 3rd Law Dance/Theater in partnership with Boulder Community Health Foundation

When: Thursday, Sept. 12, 11:30-12:30 p.m.

Where: Online (Zoom)

What: Join 3rd Law Dance/Theater during Falls Prevention month for free online movement classes for people living with mobility challenges. Enjoy a live, interactive, community experience from the comfort of home. No dance experience is required. Seated or standing, explore diverse dance styles and address balance, flexibility, and confidence through joyful physical activity. Families, friends and care-partners are welcome!


Questions: Please reach out to Lisa Johnston at 720-263-1553 or

Dance for Balance with 3rd Law Dance/Theater

Presented by 3rd Law Dance/Theater in partnership with City of Boulder Older Adult Services

When: Thursday, Sept. 12, 1-2 p.m.

Where: West Age Well Center (909 Arapahoe Ave., Boulder)

What: During Falls Prevention Month enjoy free dance classes offered by 3rd Law Dance/Theater. Based on the renowned Dance for PD® methodology, classes are designed for people living with Parkinson’s but benefit anyone with mobility concerns. No dance experience is required. Seated or standing, explore diverse dance styles and address balance, flexibility, and confidence through joyful physical activity.

Registration: Call 303-441-3148 or register online.

Questions? Call Maureen Dobson at 303-441-3012.

Programa Danza Para Todos (Danza Para Parkinson)de 3rd Law Dance/Theater

Presentado por 3rd Law Dance/Theater

Cuándo: viernes 13 de septiembre a las 12-1 p.m.

Dónde: En Línea (Zoom)

Descripción: Clases de movimiento gratuitas en español para personas con Parkinson u otras retos de movilidad. La danza mejora la movilidad, resistencia, equilibrio y fuerza a través de una actividad física alegre y en comunidad. No se necesita experiencia.

Para inscribirse:

Preguntas: contactar

3rd Law Dance/Theater Dance for Parkinson’s Disease

Presented by 3rd Law Dance/Theater

When: Saturday, Sept. 14, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Where: Online (Zoom)

What: Join 3rd Law Dance/Theater during Falls Prevention month for free online movement classes for people living with mobility challenges. Enjoy a live, interactive, community experience from the comfort of home. No dance experience is required. Seated or standing, explore diverse dance styles and address balance, flexibility, and confidence through joyful physical activity. Families, friends and care-partners are welcome!


Questions: Please reach out to Lisa Johnston at 720-263-1553 or

3rd Law Dance/Theater Dance for Parkinson’s Disease

Presented by 3rd Law Dance/Theater

When: Tuesday, Sept. 17, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Where: Online (Zoom)

What: Join 3rd Law Dance/Theater during Falls Prevention month for free online movement classes for people living with mobility challenges. Enjoy a live, interactive, community experience from the comfort of home. No dance experience is required. Seated or standing, explore diverse dance styles and address balance, flexibility, and confidence through joyful physical activity. Families, friends and care-partners are welcome!


Questions: Please reach out to Lisa Johnston at 720-263-1553 or

Strategies to Get Up From and Down to the Floor Safely

Presented by Louisville Senior Services

When: Tuesday, Sept. 17, 1:15-2 p.m.

Where: Louisville Recreation & Senior Center, Mt. Elbert Room (900 W. Via Appia Way, Louisville)

What: Learn strategies and exercises that will improve your ability to safely get up from and down to the floor.

Registration: Call Katie Tofte at 303-335-4919 or register online.

Questions? Please call Katie Tofte at 303-335-4919.

Dance for Balance with 3rd Law Dance/Theater

Presented by 3rd Law Dance/Theater in partnership with Boulder Public Library

When: Wednesday, Sept. 18, 1-2 p.m.

Where: Meadows Branch Library Meeting Room (4800 Baseline Rd, Boulder)

What: Join 3rd Law Dance/Theater during Falls Prevention Month for a free dance class. Based on the renowned Dance for PD® methodology, 3rd Law classes are designed for people living with Parkinson’s but benefit anyone with mobility concerns. No dance experience is required. Seated or standing, explore diverse dance styles and address balance, flexibility, and confidence through joyful physical activity. Families, friends, and care-partners are welcome!

Registration: Pre-registration is encouraged, but not required. Register here.

Questions? Please reach out to Lisa Johnston at 720-263-1553 or

Foundational Strength for Fall Prevention

Presented by City of Boulder Older Adult Services

When: Wednesday, Sept. 18, 1-3 p.m.

Where: East Age Well Center (5660 Sioux Dr., Boulder)

What: Bring an interest for learning, sensing, increasing awareness and participation to this experiential workshop focused on strengthening the feet and legs. Participants will be inspired and motivated to expand a current routine to the next level of strengthening for daily living and longevity. Laura’s presentation style weaves research, teaching experience and observing hundreds of older adults in fitness classes with humor, common sense and fun. Instructor: Laura Olinger is a Boulder business owner focusing on wellness for all ages.

Registration: Call 303-413-7290 or register online.

Questions? Call Maureen Dobson at 303-441-3012.

Protecting Yourself from Falls

Presented by Boulder Community Health

When: Wednesday, Sept. 18, 7-8 p.m.

Where: Online

What: The biggest threat to the independence of an older adult is a simple slip and fall. More than 1 in 4 older adults fall each year —resulting in more than 41,000 deaths. Many others are left with a permanent disability or devasting injury that threatens their independence. Don’t let a fall change your life forever. Join Dr. Liz Lycett, BCH Medical Director of Geriatrics, as she describes simple things you can do to keep yourself from falling and stay independent longer.

Registration: Register here.

Questions? Please contact Sadie Marthaller, BSN, RN at

3rd Law Dance/Theater’s In Motion Project

Presented by 3rd Law Dance/Theater in partnership with Boulder Community Health Foundation

When: Thursday, Sept. 19, 11:30-12:30 p.m.

Where: Online (Zoom)

What: Join 3rd Law Dance/Theater during Falls Prevention month for free online movement classes for people living with mobility challenges. Enjoy a live, interactive, community experience from the comfort of home. No dance experience is required. Seated or standing, explore diverse dance styles and address balance, flexibility, and confidence through joyful physical activity. Families, friends and care-partners are welcome!


Questions: Please reach out to Lisa Johnston at 720-263-1553 or

Dance for Balance with 3rd Law Dance/Theater

Presented by 3rd Law Dance/Theater in partnership with City of Boulder Older Adult Services

When: Thursday, Sept. 19, 1-2 p.m.

Where: West Age Well Center (909 Arapahoe Ave., Boulder)

What: During Falls Prevention Month enjoy free dance classes offered by 3rd Law Dance/Theater. Based on the renowned Dance for PD® methodology, classes are designed for people living with Parkinson’s but benefit anyone with mobility concerns. No dance experience is required. Seated or standing, explore diverse dance styles and address balance, flexibility, and confidence through joyful physical activity.

Registration: Call 303-441-3148 or register online.

Questions? Call Maureen Dobson at 303-441-3012.

Think First to Prevent Falls

Presented by Louisville Senior Services

When: Friday, Sept. 20, 9:30-11:30 a.m.

Where: Louisville Recreation & Senior Center, Crown Room (900 W. Via Appia, Louisville)

What: Falls are the leading cause of injury for people over age 65. This FREE program was designed to help individuals recognize their concerns about falling, as well as the hazards in their home and community that contribute to falls. The program is a 2-hour presentation that will discuss fall prevention topics such as: home safety, safety in the community, talking with your physician, nutrition, the significance of exercise, vision, and medications that contribute to falls. Fall prevention topics will be presented by Physical Therapist Sharon Wilson and Occupational Therapist Whitney Todaro.

Registration: Call Katie at 303-335-4919 or register online.

Questions? Call Katie Tofte at 303-335-4919.

Programa Danza Para Todos (Danza Para Parkinson)de 3rd Law Dance/Theater

Presentado por 3rd Law Dance/Theater

Cuándo: viernes 20 de septiembre a las 12-1 p.m.

Dónde: En Línea (Zoom)

Descripción: Clases de movimiento gratuitas en español para personas con Parkinson u otras retos de movilidad. La danza mejora la movilidad, resistencia, equilibrio y fuerza a través de una actividad física alegre y en comunidad. No se necesita experiencia.

Para inscribirse:

Preguntas: contactar

In Body Assessments

Presented by Louisville Senior Services

When: Friday, Sept. 20, 1-3 p.m.

What: Louisville Recreation & Senior Center, Sunnyside Assessment Room (900 W. Via Appia, Louisville)

What: Go beyond the scale! In just 50 seconds, the InBody Test Result Sheet will show your body fat, muscle, and body water, giving you a better understanding of your weight and health. We will be primarily focused on the breakdown of your muscle mass and how it relates to balance. Trainers will be offering free In Body Assessments. Appointments are 20 minutes. More information about how to prepare will be shared leading up to your scheduled appointment.

Registration: Call Katie at 303-335-4919 or register online.

Questions? Call Katie Tofte at 303-335-4919.

3rd Law Dance/Theater Dance for Parkinson’s Disease

Presented by 3rd Law Dance/Theater

When: Saturday, Sept. 21, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Where: Online (Zoom)

What: Join 3rd Law Dance/Theater during Falls Prevention month for free online movement classes for people living with mobility challenges. Enjoy a live, interactive, community experience from the comfort of home. No dance experience is required. Seated or standing, explore diverse dance styles and address balance, flexibility, and confidence through joyful physical activity. Families, friends and care-partners are welcome!


Questions: Please reach out to Lisa Johnston at 720-263-1553 or

3rd Law Dance/Theater Dance for Parkinson’s Disease

Presented by 3rd Law Dance/Theater

When: Tuesday, Sept. 24, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Where: Online (Zoom)

What: Join 3rd Law Dance/Theater during Falls Prevention month for free online movement classes for people living with mobility challenges. Enjoy a live, interactive, community experience from the comfort of home. No dance experience is required. Seated or standing, explore diverse dance styles and address balance, flexibility, and confidence through joyful physical activity. Families, friends and care-partners are welcome!


Questions: Please reach out to Lisa Johnston at 720-263-1553 or

Mindfulness Think First for Fall Prevention

Presented by Lafayette Senior Center

When: Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2-4 p.m.

Where: Lafayette Senior Center (103 S Iowa Ave., Lafayette)

What: Join us for “A mindful approach to falls prevention” class, where you will practice guided meditation and integrate multiple strategies to prevent falls. Mindfulness meditation is a practice of encouraging attention to the present moment. This class offers tools to develop present moment awareness and apply evidence-based fall prevention techniques to everyday life. This class is facilitated by injury prevention and mindfulness professionals from Boulder County Area Agency on Aging, Boulder Community Health, and Intermountain Health.

Registration: Please register online or call the Lafayette Senior Center at 303-665-9052.

Questions? Call the Lafayette Senior Center at 303-665-9052.

3rd Law Dance/Theater’s In Motion Project

Presented by 3rd Law Dance/Theater in partnership with Lafayette Senior Center

When: Wednesday, Sept. 25, 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m.

Where:Lafayette Senior Center (103 S Iowa Ave., Lafayette)

What: Join a free dance class for people living with Parkinson’s or for anyone with mobility concerns. No dance experience is required – class may be enjoyed seated or standing. Energizing and inspiring music will guide you as you discover diverse dance styles and practical movement methods that address balance, flexibility, and confidence.

Registration: Please call 303-665-9052 or register online.

Questions: Please call 303-665-9052.

Feldenkrais Walking Awareness Workshop

Presented by the Longmont Senior Center

When: Wednesday, Sept. 25, 1-4 p.m.

Where: Longmont Senior Center (910 Longs Peak Ave., Longmont)

What: Life experiences shape our walking habits; as we age, these habits can decline, impacting our ability to walk comfortably. In this workshop, become aware of your unconscious walking habits, focusing on how you use your legs and feet. Gain a better understanding of how the hip and shoulder relationship powers your walking. By the workshop’s end, move with greater ease and a lighter stride—taught by Al Wadleigh, a Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner.

Registration: The fee is $25 for residents and $30 for non-residents. Please call 303-651-8411 to register.

Questions? Please call 303-651-8411.

Charla sobre Prevencion de Caidas

Presentado por El Centro AMISTAD

Cuándo: jueves 26 de septiembre a las 10-11:30 a.m.

Dónde: Longmont Senior Center (910 Longs Peak Ave., Longmont)

Descripción: Ven a esta charla en Español en Longmont Senior Center para conocer sobre la importancia de la prevención de caídas

Para inscribirse: Si están interesados en asistir, favor de comunicarse al Longmont Senior Center para el registro 303-651- 8411.

3rd Law Dance/Theater’s In Motion Project

Presented by 3rd Law Dance/Theater in partnership with Boulder Community Health Foundation

When: Thursday, Sept. 26, 11:30-12:30 p.m.

Where: Online (Zoom)

What: Join 3rd Law Dance/Theater during Falls Prevention month for free online movement classes for people living with mobility challenges. Enjoy a live, interactive, community experience from the comfort of home. No dance experience is required. Seated or standing, explore diverse dance styles and address balance, flexibility, and confidence through joyful physical activity. Families, friends and care-partners are welcome!


Questions: Please reach out to Lisa Johnston at 720-263-1553 or

Dance for Balance with 3rd Law Dance/Theater

Presented by 3rd Law Dance/Theater in partnership with City of Boulder Older Adult Services

When: Thursday, Sept. 26, 1-2 p.m.

Where: West Age Well Center (909 Arapahoe Ave., Boulder)

What: During Falls Prevention Month enjoy free dance classes offered by 3rd Law Dance/Theater. Based on the renowned Dance for PD® methodology, classes are designed for people living with Parkinson’s but benefit anyone with mobility concerns. No dance experience is required. Seated or standing, explore diverse dance styles and address balance, flexibility, and confidence through joyful physical activity.

Registration: Call 303-441-3148 or register online.

Questions? Call Maureen Dobson at 303-441-3012.

How to Walk Properly with a Cane & Walker

Presented by Louisville Senior Services

When: Thursday, Sept. 26, 2:30-3:15 p.m.

Where: Louisville Recreation & Senior Center, Mt. Elbert Room (900 W. Via Appia, Louisville)

What: Master the art of walking confidently and safely with a cane or walker in our specialized class. Whether you’re navigating recovery, aging gracefully, or supporting someone who is, this course empowers you with the skills to move with ease and independence. You’ll learn step-by-step instructions on how to walk smoothly and efficiently with your chosen mobility aid & gain strategies for maneuvering around obstacles and uneven terrain confidently.

Registration: Call Katie at 303-335-4919 or register online.

Questions? Call Katie Tofte at 303-335-4919.

Programa Danza Para Todos (Danza Para Parkinson)de 3rd Law Dance/Theater

Presentado por 3rd Law Dance/Theater

Cuándo: viernes 27 de septiembre a las 12-1 p.m.

Dónde: En Línea (Zoom)

Descripción: Clases de movimiento gratuitas en español para personas con Parkinson u otras retos de movilidad. La danza mejora la movilidad, resistencia, equilibrio y fuerza a través de una actividad física alegre y en comunidad. No se necesita experiencia.

Para inscribirse:

Preguntas: contactar

3rd Law Dance/Theater Dance for Parkinson’s Disease

Presented by 3rd Law Dance/Theater

When: Saturday, Sept. 28, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Where: Online (Zoom)

What: Join 3rd Law Dance/Theater during Falls Prevention month for free online movement classes for people living with mobility challenges. Enjoy a live, interactive, community experience from the comfort of home. No dance experience is required. Seated or standing, explore diverse dance styles and address balance, flexibility, and confidence through joyful physical activity. Families, friends and care-partners are welcome!


Questions: Please reach out to Lisa Johnston at 720-263-1553 or

Programa Danza Para Todos (Danza Para Parkinson)de 3rd Law Dance/Theater

Presentado por 3rd Law Dance/Theater

Cuándo: viernes 6, 13, 20, 27 de septiembre a las 12-1 p.m.

Dónde: En Línea (Zoom)

Descripción: Clases de movimiento gratuitas en español para personas con Parkinson u otras retos de movilidad. La danza mejora la movilidad, resistencia, equilibrio y fuerza a través de una actividad física alegre y en comunidad. No se necesita experiencia.

Para inscribirse:

Preguntas: contactar

Charla sobre Prevencion de Caidas

Presentado por El Centro AMISTAD

Cuándo: jueves 26 de septiembre a las 10-11:30 a.m.

Dónde: Longmont Senior Center (910 Longs Peak Ave., Longmont)

Descripción: Ven a esta charla en Español en Longmont Senior Center para conocer sobre la importancia de la prevención de caídas

Para inscribirse: Si están interesados en asistir, favor de comunicarse al Longmont Senior Center para el registro 303-651- 8411.

Check out the following programs and resources to learn how to prevent falls for yourself and your loved ones.

National Council on Aging: Falls Prevention for Older Adults

Six Steps to Prevent a Fall: Video

Six Steps to Prevent a Fall: Article

Find a Good Exercise Program

Talk to Your Doctor

Review Your Medications

Care for Your Vision and Hearing

Make Your Home Safe

Talk to Your Family and Friends

Let’s Exercise!

Staying physically active is an important part of preventing falls. Remember to check in with your doctor before starting to find out which types of exercise are best for you. Below you will find tips on how to include more physical activity in your daily life safely and get you motivated to get moving! Here are a few trusted sites you can check out to get started:

GET UP, get up! Tips on Sitting and Standing
Presented by Boulder County Area Agency on Aging

This video demonstrates several step-by-step techniques for getting down and up from the floor.

Please consult your physician before practicing these techniques to make sure they are appropriate for you to try. Always follow the guidelines and instructions recommended by your physician and therapists.

Tips to Prevent Falls
Presented by JoAnne Baumgartner, PT Good Samaritan Medical Center

Preventing falls can start with the shoes you wear. Learn how to make wise choices.

Using Assistive Devices to Stay Active
Presented by JoAnne Baumgartner, PT Good Samaritan Medical Center

Do I need a cane? Will walking sticks help me? What about a walker? This video examines a number of option, how they can help you maintain your balance and how to adjust them to fit you.

Tips for Going Up and Down Stairs Safely
Presented by JoAnne Baumgartner, PT Good Samaritan Medical Center

Stairs can present a challenge for people with pain and lower body limitations. Using the adage “up with the good and down with the bad” you can keep climbing safely and with less discomfort.

Hip Health
Presented by the YMCA

This class includes movements to strengthen and increase flexibility in the hips. Trainer will discuss the benefits of hip health for fall prevention among older adults as well as the benefits of these movements for people of all ages and abilities.

Body Dynamics – Foot to Core Balance and Strength
Presented by Wendy McClure

This video features an evidence-based selection of movements to reestablish foot connection to the core and beyond. The use of a textured Naboso standing mat is not required but increases the stimulation of the nerves of the foot for enhanced strength gains.

Contact Us

Boulder County Area
Agency on Aging

Information/Resources: 303-441-1617

To contact us about resources to help you age well or to sign up for our monthly newsletter, please email us at

Mailing Address

Boulder County Area Agency on Aging
PO Box 471
Boulder, CO 80306

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