Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Farm Camp Health & Safety
farm girl with a goat

Farm Camp Health & Safety

Health and Safety at Farm Camps

Farm camps can be a great way to introduce children to plants, animals, and insects and help them understand where our food comes from and how it grows.

Colorado regulations require that they be licensed to keep children healthy and safe at camp, including farm camps. Licensing helps ensure that the environment is safe and that staff is appropriately trained.

Minimum Practices

At a minimum, farm camps should have the following priority health and safety practices in place:

Child Care Staff

  • Child care staff at least 18 years or older who have passed a background check.
  • Child care staff with training in the following areas:
    • Hygiene and sanitation practices
    • Safety regulations
    • Emergency procedures
    • First aid/CPR
    • Communication
    • Behavior management techniques
    • Child abuse prevention
    • Appropriate staff and camper behavior
  • Appropriate staff-to-child ratios.

Supervision & Safety of Children

  • Children are well-supervised around animals and farm equipment.
  • Children’s activities and materials are well-supervised and safe.

Restroom & Handwashing Facilities

  • Available restrooms and handwash sinks are supplied with soap and paper towels that are kept clean.

Food & Drinking Water

  • Ample, safe, and potable drinking water.
  • Children never consume or have contact with raw milk or raw milk products.
  • Washing and preparation of fresh fruits and vegetables:
    • Children and staff have washed their hands with running potable water and soap before picking and handling fresh produce.
    • The staff inspects the produce for obvious signs of soil or damage before cutting, slicing, or dicing it.
    • Produce is washed with continuous running potable water before being served or cut.
    • All equipment, utensils, and food surfaces that came into contact with produce have been washed, rinsed, sanitized, and air-dried before use.

Hand Hygiene

Staff and children who have washed hands thoroughly with soap and running, potable water at these times:

  • Before handling, preparing, or eating food
  • After using the restrooms
  • After touching or caring for animals
  • After handling bodily fluids, coughing, or sneezing
  • After working in the garden
  • Any time hands become soiled or otherwise contaminated

Medical Emergencies

A plan for medical and other types of emergencies is in place.

For Parents & Guardians

Before enrolling your children in a farm camp, ask the owner these questions:

  • Is your program licensed by the State of Colorado, Department of Human Services?
  • Are the priority health and safety items listed above in place?


Please refer to the following for a complete list of child care, safety, and health regulations.

For Farm Owners

Before operating any type of farm camp or classes for children, contact Colorado Office of Early Childhood, Department of Human Services at 303-866-5958 to find out about licensing requirements and guidelines.

Due to the nature of farm camp activities and the developmental needs of young children, farm camps and classes are best suited for children at least 5 years of age or older.

Contact Us

Child Health Promotion (CHP) Program

Main: 303-413-7500
Submit a question


3482 Broadway
Map and Directions
Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Boulder County Public Health website