Note: No Commissioners’ Hearings or Meetings Are Scheduled March 17–26
The Boulder County Commissioners conduct the county's routine business at regularly scheduled business meetings (generally each Tuesday at 9:30 a.m.). This may include signing agreements or contracts, acting on personnel actions, approving expenditures, and making decisions on routine matters not requiring a public hearing.
Items scheduled for discussion are listed on the business meeting portal and discussed in the given order. No set time is assigned to an individual item.
- Location: Commissioners' Hearing Room, 3rd Floor, 1325 Pearl Street, Boulder CO 80302
- Virtual: Scroll down the page to find the Zoom link for each meeting.
How to view the Commissioners' Business Meetings and Agendas:
For a video link to the business meeting and agenda packet on the day of the meeting:
- Access the Open Meeting Portal and find the link to the "Board of County Commissioners - Regular Meeting" agenda for the specific date.
- Business meeting agendas are published the day before the meeting.
The public is invited to attend and observe, but no public comment is taken at Commissioners' business meetings. (Public comment is taken at public hearings.)
Thursday, March 27, Business Meeting (9 a.m.)
Virtual Attendee Link for March 27 Morning Session
Call-in information: 1-833-568-8864, Webinar ID: 161 476 8394
In-Person Comment Registration for March 27 Morning Session
Stay in the loop
- Sign up to receive agendas and a link to watch the Commissioners' meetings and hearings.
- View the advance agenda or visit the Open Meeting Portal for additional information.
Event Details
Start dateMarch 27, 2025 9:00 amEnd dateMarch 27, 2025 10:30 amCalendarCounty CommissionersGoogle Calendar
Organizer Details
OrganizerBoard of County
VenuesCommissioners' Hearing Room, Virtual via ZoomAddress1325 Pearl StreetCityBoulder