Rebates for the Delivery of Recyclable Material
Boulder County shares a portion of the revenues derived from the sale of materials with the hauling community. Rebates are available for haulers of recyclable materials who deliver their materials to the Boulder County Recycling Center.
Qualify for Rebates
In order to qualify for a rebate, haulers must be registered by the county and enter into a Supplier/Hauler Contract. Sample Contract
If a hauler operates within the unincorporated part of Boulder County a hauler license will also be required. The Insurance Requirements (required by contract) must be in place, prior to execution of the contract by Boulder County. No rebates will be available without registering and entering into a contract with Boulder County.
Please call 720-564-2220 or email for details of how to register and enter into a contract.
Sample Supplier/Hauler Contract
Hauler License
Note: Boulder County may pay the generator (Supplier) of the material directly. The supplier must enter into the contract, but does not need to possess the required Automobile Insurance. The hauler who delivers the Supplier’s materials must have a contract with Boulder County and current insurance.
Each month Boulder County will post the value of the rebates for the following month for delivery of these materials:
- single stream commercial (SSC)
- single stream residential (SSR)
- sorted office paper (SOP)
- sorted old corrugated cardboard (OCC)
NOTE: Pricing may be established by the county for other materials that have been pre-processed or have a unique composition.
Please contact: for further information.
Posted by the 10th day of the month. Payments by check can be expected within 45 days of the end of the month in which deliveries were made (June’s payment will be received by approximately August 15).