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Quit Curriculum
women talking

Tobacco Quit Curriculum for Organizations & Wellness Coaches

woman in a car feeling freeThe following activities were adapted from the American Cancer Society as part of the free tobacco cessation curriculum called Freshstart. Wellness coaches can become trained facilitators of the Freshstart program.

This curriculum is intended to provide wellness coaches with a framework to guide conversations and activities to support individuals through quitting. Employers and wellness programs should contact Boulder County Public Health before implementing a curriculum like this to ensure proper application. The curriculum is intended to be used in conjunction with tobacco prevention and cessation best-practices, including providing access to approved cessation medications, cessation counseling, and smoke-free policies.

Each week of the curriculum provides an objective and activities to achieve that objective. This should not be considered medical advice, and this curriculum might not be the best approach to quitting for everyone.

Week 1 Objective

Week 1 is all about deciding to quit! This week, begin to understand:

  • Nicotine addiction
  • Health concerns associated with tobacco use
  • The benefits of quitting
  • Determine readiness to quit


Week 2 Objective

This week, it’s time to plan how to quit. Preparing includes learning from past actions – what worked, what didn’t. Learn about the medications that are available to increase success in quitting. Seek out existing social support. Think about the people that will be there for you no matter what. Finally, create a customized quit plan.


  • Learn about available medications. Consider talking to a healthcare provider and checking insurance benefits to see what medications might be covered at no cost.
  • Create a customized quit plan. Having a plan increases a successful quit attempt.
  • Review App Card for online quit resources.
  • Write in a journal and consider reflecting on previous quit attempts by answering these questions:
    • How have you tried to quit in the past?
    • Have you tried medications to help you quit?
    • What has worked?
    • What hasn’t?
  • Continue to see a coach.

Week 3 Objective

Congratulations on making it to this point in your journey! This week it’s all about coping with nicotine withdrawal symptoms, considering triggers and thinking about what to do instead of using tobacco. Determine some ways to positively reinforce progress made and then think about ways to manage stress.


  • Take a withdrawal quiz to understand withdrawal symptoms. Knowledge is powerful.
  • Better understand triggers for using tobacco. Try writing down ten things that to do and have that list ready when a craving or an urge to use tobacco arrives.
  • Track your progress and think about ways to reward accomplishments.
  • Reflect on ways to help manage stress. Here are a few ideas:
    • Use a distraction tool
    • Go for a walk
    • Talk to a coach
    • Reach out to those who are a part of your support system.
  • Continue to see a coach.

Week 4 Objective

During this last week, it’s time to consider ways to address relapse. Think about building a success toolbox that can help with quitting. Think about the health benefits over time, and get excited about maintaining a new lifestyle free from tobacco.


  • Things to do instead of using tobacco. Consider alternative ways to spend free time. It is important to have a plan for what to do instead of using tobacco.
  • Utilize support networks. Think about someone to call when having a hard time. Who are the people that have always been there? Think about writing down the names and numbers of three people to consider calling for some extra support.
  • Continue to see a coach.
quit kit

A quit kit can contain mints, gum, and things to fidget with.

Additional Resources

Quit Kit Activity

Build a quit kit. Consider making it the size of a cigarette box or chew can and put it where you used to keep your tobacco. Consider including the following items:

  • List of quitting apps and websites
  • Mints and Toothpicks – have one of these instead of a cigarette
  • Gum – keep your mouth busy
  • Puzzles – keep your hands busy
  • Pack Trackers – Track when and why you have a cigarette throughout the day to understand your smoking habits

Cessation information

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Contact Us

Tobacco Education and Prevention Program (TEPP)

Main: 303-413-7540
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3482 Broadway
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Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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