Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Running for Office

Running for Office

Federal & State Offices

Visit the Colorado Secretary of State website for information about running for federal and state offices in Colorado. This includes information on CU Regent, District Attorney, RTD Board of Directors, and Board of Education positions.

County Offices

In 2025, there are no county offices up for election.

There are four ways a candidate for county office may access the ballot:

  1. Political party candidate nomination
  2. Political party candidate petition
  3. Unaffiliated candidate petition
  4. Complete a Write-in Affidavit

For guidance on running for office in 2026, including preliminary information on ballot access and requirements, please contact the elections office at 303-413-7740. A 2026 Candidate Guide website section will be posted online in late spring/early summer 2025.

Review Colorado Revised Statutes for complete qualification requirements and ballot access information:

In order to declare candidacy, you must file a candidate affidavit on the Colorado Secretary of State’s TRACER website within 10 days of becoming a candidate. You may also visit the TRACER website for campaign finance obligations or call 303-894-2200, Ext. 6383, for more details.

Municipal Offices

Contact the municipality to find out which seats are up for election in 2025.
Contact the municipality for municipal office and campaign finance information.

Municipal Clerk Contact Information

Municipality Phone Number
Boulder 303-441-3011
Erie 303-926-2731
Jamestown 303-449-1806
Lafayette 303-665-5588 ext. 1227
Longmont 303-651-8649
Louisville 303-335-4571
Lyons 303-823-6622 ext. 12
Nederland 303-258-3266 ext. 23
Superior 303-499-3675
Ward 303-459-9273

School Districts

Contact school districts for information regarding school board positions.
Contact the Colorado Secretary of State’s Office for campaign finance information, 303-894-2200 ext. 6383.

School District Contacts

District Phone Number
Boulder Valley 303-447-1010
St. Vrain Valley 303-776-6200
Estes Park 970-586-2361
Thompson 970-613-5000

Special Districts

Contact the Department of Local Affairs for information on Board of Director positions.
Contact the Colorado Secretary of State’s Office for campaign finance information.

Contact Us

Elections Division


303-413-7728 (Fax)
Boulder County Elections website

7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Closed Fridays


Boulder (Main Office):
1750 33rd St.
Boulder, CO 80301

1755 S. Public Road
Lafayette, CO 80026

529 Coffman St.
Longmont, CO 80501

* Longmont and Lafayette locations only offer paper voter registration forms
+ The Longmont office is temporarily located inside the main Boulder County building at 515 Coffman. Same building, just enter main doors.

Mailing Address

1750 33rd St., Suite 200
Boulder, CO 80301

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