The 2022 General Election was Tuesday, November 8, 2022
General Election Results
- Official Election Results — Website showing all election results by contest
- Statement of Votes – PDF version — Most comprehensive election report, which includes precinct by precinct results
- Statement of Votes – Excel version — Most comprehensive election report, which includes precinct by precinct results
- Summary of Votes Report — Summary report that shows top-line data for each contest including: active voters, total ballots, total votes, total under and over votes and the number of precincts a contest covered
- Canvass Documents — These are the reports related to the certification of the election, including the post-election risk-limiting audit and reconciliation report and any related documents.
- The risk-limiting audit is a post-election quality assurance test that ensures the accuracy of election results and provides citizens with evidence that election outcomes reflect the votes cast. To learn more about the risk-limiting audit, see our press release.
- The reconciliation report summarizes the process that provides the evidence for the Canvass Board to certify that the number of votes counted is equal to or less than the number of ballots cast and that the number of ballots cast is equal to or less than the number of eligible voters. This document also includes the certification of election statement.
- Voter Turnout Interactive Map — Explore how voter turnout varied by precinct (note: map defaults to current year, to browse previous years use the tabs above the map).
- Post-Election Data Report — Infographic report detailing interesting facts about the 2022 General Election
General Election Information
- 2022 General Election Compiled Ballot Content. Please note that ballot content will vary depending on where you live – not all items will appear on an individual ballot. Note: There were also certified write-in candidates for the following offices:
- United States Senator: John Carleton Rutledge (Libertarian), Robert Messman (Unaffiliated), and Tom Harvey (Unaffiliated)
- Governor/Lieutenant Governor: Paul Willmon/Kathren May (Unaffiliated) and Zachary Varon/Sean Hoyt (Unaffiliated)
- Attorney General: Stanley Thorne (Unaffiliated)
- Town of Superior – Mayor: Gladys M. Foreshee
- Contenido de la boleta de votacion español. No todo el contenido de la boleta aparecerá en cada boleta. Advierta que también hay candidatos por escrito certificados para los siguientes cargos:
- Senador de los Estados Unidos: John Carleton Rutledge (Libertario), Robert Messman (No afiliado), Joanne Rock (No afiliada) y Tom Harvey (No afiliado)
- Gobernador/vicegobernador(a): Paul Willmon/Kathren May (No afiliados) y Zachary Varon/Sean Hoyt (No afiliados)
- Fiscal General: Stanley Thorne (No afiliado)
- Town of Superior – Alcaldesa: Gladys M. Forshee
- State Ballot Information Booklet (aka Blue Book) – English version, Spanish version, and Audio version (English only) – Mailed mid-September if statewide tax issues will be appearing on the ballot. Voters receive this booklet in the mail. It is produced and mailed by the State of Colorado and contains information on statewide issues.
- Boulder County TABOR Notice – This booklet is mailed to each address with one or more active, registered voters whose ballots include at least one TABOR ballot issue.
- Official Notice of Election – As required by state law, this official notice of election was published on October 9, 2022 in both the Daily Camera and Longmont Times-Call.
- Pre-Election Logic & Accuracy (LAT) Test Reports – These reports and related documents outline the testing procedures completed prior to conducting the election. Also see public notice: LAT notice of testing.
- Ballot and Voting Returns Data – Figures include mail ballots returned and in-person voting data for the 2022 General Election. Page begins populating with data 15 days prior to Election Day.
The 2022 Primary Election was Tuesday, June 28, 2022
Primary Election Results
- Official Election Results — Website showing all election results by contest (reflects updated results from the recount for the Democratic contest for Boulder County Commissioner).
The 2022 Primary Election produced a close contest for the Democratic contest for Boulder County Commissioner – District 3 (Candidate Ashley Stolzmann had 27,870 votes to Elaina Shively’s vote total of 27,802). This generated an automatic recount. The recount was held on July 25. During the recount, the results shifted by 3 in favor of Stolzmann. These documents are the updated certified election results and reports for this contest only:
- Statement of Votes – PDF version — Most comprehensive election report, which includes precinct-by-precinct results for the Boulder County Commissioner – District 3 contest
- Statement of Votes – Excel version — Most comprehensive election report, which includes precinct-by-precinct results for the Boulder County Commissioner – District 3 contest
- Cumulative Results Report — Summary report that shows top-line data for the Boulder County Commissioner – District 3 contest including: active voters, total ballots, total votes, total under and over votes and the number of precincts covered by the contest
- Canvass Documents— These are the reports related to the certification of the recount and include the certification of election statement.
Original set of documents prior to the July 25 recount:
- Statement of Votes – PDF version — Most comprehensive election report, which includes precinct-by-precinct results
- Statement of Votes – Excel version — Most comprehensive election report, which includes precinct-by-precinct results
- Cumulative Results Report — Summary report that shows top-line data for each contest including: active voters, total ballots, total votes, total under and over votes and the number of precincts a contest covered
- Canvass Documents — These are the reports related to the certification of the election, including the post-election risk-limiting audit and reconciliation report and any related documents.
- The risk-limiting audit is a post-election quality assurance test that ensures the accuracy of election results and provides citizens with evidence that election outcomes reflect the votes cast. To learn more about the risk-limiting audit, see our press release.
- The reconciliation report summarizes the process that provides the evidence for the Canvass Board to certify that the number of votes counted is equal to or less than the number of ballots cast and that the number of ballots cast is equal to or less than the number of eligible voters. This document also includes the certification of election statement.
Primary Election Information
- Parties conducting a primary election: Democratic Party and Republican Party; Unaffiliated voters could vote in one party’s primary.
- Related registration deadlines: June 6 — Deadline to change party affiliation from one party to another in order to vote in a different party’s primary. Unaffiliated voters were mailed both major party ballots but could vote and return only one ballot (or go vote in-person).
- Complete Ballot Content — English: Democratic Sample Ballot or Republican Sample Ballot; Spanish: Democratic Sample Ballot or Republican Sample Ballot
- Note: Daniel Hendricks was a certified write-in candidate for United States Senator on the Republican ballot.
- Official Notice of Election — As required by state law, this official notice of election was published on June 1, 2022 in both the Daily Camera and Longmont Times-Call.
- Primary Ballot Return Data — Figures include mail ballots returned and in-person voting data for the 2022 Primary Election.
- Pre-Election Audit: Logic & Accuracy (LAT) Test Reports – These reports and related documents outline the testing procedures completed prior to conducting the election. Also see public notice: LAT Notice of testing.