Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Victim Compensation
Flatirons with the 20th Judicial District Seal

Crime Victim's Compensation Program

About the Crime Victim’s Compensation Program

  • Crime Victim Compensation Act of Colorado, enacted in 1982, helps victims of crime and their families obtain financial assistance for losses incurred as a result of a crime. Funds are paid through the Crime Victim Compensation Fund.
  • Monetary awards are made by the Crime Victim Compensation Board, whose 3 members are local citizens appointed by the District Attorney. A victim is required to submit an application to the Board in the judicial district where the crime took place. The process may take up to 60 days. The Board’s decision may be reconsidered via a written request to the Victim Compensation office made within 30 days of receipt of the denial letter.
  • By state statute, Crime Victim Compensation is the payer of last resort. All other sources of compensation (private insurance, worker’s compensation, Medicaid/Medicare, etc.) must be exhausted first.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Must be a victim, relative of a victim or a witness at the scene, of a compensable crime. This is defined as a crime in which an intentional, knowing, reckless and/or criminally negligent act of a person of full legal capacity, results in residential property damage, or physical or psychological injury to another entity, and the crime is punishable by Colorado law. This includes careless driving resulting in death, and hit and run resulting in death.
  • The crime must been committed on or after July 1, 1982 in Boulder County.
  • The victim must cooperate fully with law enforcement agencies and the prosecution.
  • The injury or death of the victim cannot be a result of the victim’s wrongful act, victim’s own wrong doing or of any substantially provocative action on behalf of the victim.
  • Victim’s insurance benefits must be utilized prior to any compensation funds being awarded.

Compensable Losses Include

  • Reasonable medical and dental expenses
  • Mental health counseling and therapy
  • Replacement or repair of prosthetic devices, eye glasses, hearing aids, dentures, and other medically necessary devices
  • Lost wages / loss of support to dependents
  • Burial / funeral expenses
  • Outpatient care
  • Homemaker and/or home health care services
  • Property damage limited to $1,000.00, for the repair/replacement of exterior windows, doors or locks of a residential home damaged by crime

Compensation does NOT cover

  • Loss of money or personal property such as TV’s, stereos, clothes, etc.
  • Damaged or stolen vehicles
  • Pain and suffering
  • Non-residential exterior doors, locks and windows

Application Process

To receive funding, victims must complete and submit an application, along with documentation of the requested expenses to the Crime Victim Compensation Fund. For more information, please email or call 720-564-2835.

There are a couple of ways to submit the application:

    1. On the Colorado Crime Victim Compensation Portal website.
    2. Or pick up an application at the District Attorney’s Office in Boulder (Justice Center – 1777 6th Avenue) or Longmont (County Courts – 1035 Kimbark Street).

For information on civil rights and how to file a discrimination complaint, please visit the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Civil Rights website.

Contact Us

District Attorney's Office

303-441-3700 (Main Office)
303-441-4703 (Main Office fax)
303-682-6800 (Longmont Office)
303-682-6711 (Longmont fax)
for Hearing Impaired
please use Relay Colorado


Justice Center
1777 6th St.
Boulder, CO 80302
Map and Directions Boulder Location


Longmont Courthouse
1035 Kimbark St.
Longmont, CO 80501
Map and Directions Longmont Location

District Attorney Seal

Mailing Address

Boulder District Attorney
P.O. Box 471
Boulder, CO 80306