Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Stone Canyon and Lakeshore Fires
Wide landscape image showing a burned area of the Stone Canyon Fire showing burned trees, grass, shrubs and structures and red fire retardant north of Lyons on Friday, August 2, 2024.

Stone Canyon and Lakeshore Fires

The Stone Canyon Fire started on July 30, 2024 in the Stone Canyon area outside the Town of Lyons. This fire is 100% contained, all evacuations have been lifted, and all roads are open.

The Lakeshore Fire began on July 31, 2024 near the Lakeshore Park neighborhood, northeast of Gross Reservoir. This fire is 100% contained, all evacuations have been lifted, and all roads are open.

Sadly, these two fires have taken six homes in Boulder County, as well as homes in neighboring counties, and one death is currently being investigated.

This webpage provides information and resources for those impacted by the fires as our community begins the healing and rebuilding process.

Please continue to check this webpage for recovery updates and resources.

Recovery Updates

Debris Cleanup

Site cleanup permits will be required for all five destroyed properties from the Stone Canyon Fire and the one destroyed property from the Lakeshore Fire. Stone Canyon properties with destroyed outbuildings will also need site cleanup permits. The site cleanup requirements and permit process are available below.

You will apply for the site cleanup permit through our online portal.

  1. Submit a Disposal Notification Form to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) via email to
  2. Create an account on our portal if you do not have a login yet.
  3. Once you are logged in, apply for a building permit and when asked what type of project, select deconstruction of structure.
  4. Important information when filling out the online application:
    • Please indicate in the project description that the permit is for site cleanup due to the Stone Canyon or Lakeshore Fire. This will help us prioritize your permit request.
    • Please provide a basic aerial of the property that generally illustrates foundation location(s) and ash footprint in relation to property lines. (The ash footprint of a home is the concentrated burn area and directly informs the soil sample locations required to demonstrate that property has been adequately mitigated and is safe to rebuild.)
    • If hiring a Contractor, your contractor must have at least a Class M contractor license with Boulder County Community Planning & Permitting before the permit can be issued.
  5. After submitting your application, you will receive an automated email within 1-2 business days indicating that the permit is ready for payment, including instructions on how to submit payment.
  6. After payment has been received, your permit and supporting documents will be emailed out to you within 1-2 business days. Once you receive the permit, please be sure to carefully read through all the conditions listed on the permit for important instructions on what needs to be done onsite before, during, and after the debris removal/site clean-up work is completed.
  7. All site clean-up permits will be required to be closed out prior to the issuance of any rebuilding permits on the property. In order to close out your site clean-up permit, you must pass the following inspections:
    • Utility capping inspection to verify that utilities have been safely disconnected. Contact the Health Department at (303) 441-1564 for questions on proper abandonment of the septic system.
      • Schedule this through the IVR system at 303-441-3925, option 1. You will need the BP# from your permit, ex. BP-22-XXXX, please use inspection code #49, and indicate that the inspection is for utility capping. *Do not end the inspection request call until you have received a confirmation number, otherwise the inspection will not get scheduled.
    • Final Inspection
      • Schedule this through the IVR system at 303-441-3925, option 1. You will need the BP# from your permit, ex. BP-22-XXXX, please use inspection code #69. *Do not end the inspection request call until you have received a confirmation number, otherwise the inspection will not get scheduled.
      • Confirmation that the foundation is removed, the site is cleaned up of all ash/debris and that either fencing is around the open hole or graded to a natural grade and stabilized, seeded and erosion and sediment control is installed, depending on if property owners will or will not be rebuilding immediately (per the above options).
  8. Please note that, in addition to the Class M license that is required for the Site Cleanup permit, all hauling companies operating within Boulder County that collect, transport, or dispose of discarded materials (trash, recyclables, compostables, construction and demolition materials, aggregate, or landscaping materials) must obtain a Hauler License.

Property owners are responsible for the cleanup of their property, and in many cases there may be insurance coverage for this cleanup. Please check with your insurance provider for your policy details about cleanup. Cleanup includes the removal of all hazardous vegetative debris, yard and household debris, and remaining structural elements including foundations that cannot be reused due to damage. A foundation must be evaluated by a Colorado Licensed Structural Engineer if you wish to try and re-use it.

Before Work Begins

  • Upon issuance of the debris removal/site clean-up permit, you must post the site address on the site so that it is clearly visible.
  • Perimeter control measures, including surface roughening or equivalent stabilization, shall be installed prior to site-cleanup, and remain in place after site cleanup is complete.
  • Reference Revegetation – P13 for an example plan illustrating perimeter control placement and stabilization of disturbed areas which may consist of temporary stabilization until rebuilding occurs.
  • The owner or operator must obtain a Colorado Storm Water General Permit for Construction Activities and a Boulder County Stormwater Quality Permit for all construction activities that disturb one or more acres of land, as well as activity that disturbs less than one acre but is part of a larger common plan of development. Exceptions may exist. Please contact for more information.
  • You must obtain permission from adjoining property owners in order to access another person’s property. Trespassing without permission may result in a stop work order or other enforcement actions by the County. You may not access the property from any adjoining County owned property, other than public street rights of way.
  • Contractors should consult with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) at 303-844-5285 (Denver) to determine training and personal protective equipment that will be required for those handling material.
  • A Hauler License with Boulder County Resource Conservation Division is required prior to any waste disposal.
  • Debris removal/site clean-up work is limited to the hours of 7am to 8pm on weekdays and 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on weekends and holidays.
  • Call 811 to have utility locates placed on the property for gas, electrical, water, and sewer services so that our Building Inspectors can properly identify the services during the utility capping inspection.

Debris Removal

  • Contractor is required to remove all ash and debris, metals, concrete, and dead or damaged hazardous trees (e.g., trees that endanger onsite workers, neighbor’s homes, or public rights of way) and dispose of all materials properly.
  • To prevent the risk of ash and debris contaminating deeper clean soils, the area that requires excavating shall be cleared with a straight blade in accordance with CDPHE guidance.
  • You must adhere to all local and State guidelines for debris removal, including but not limited to the following:
    • Contractor must always take adequate dust control measures, including applying water to ash and materials during disturbance and loading.
    • Do not overwater. Contractor must prevent runoff of dust control water beyond the property boundary and entry into the storm drain system or a watercourse.
    • Contractor must completely remove and dispose of the foundation or submit a letter from a licensed Structural Engineer certifying that the foundation is acceptable for reconstruction.
    • Ash/debris must be wetted to minimize dust and packaged inside a container (such as an end-dump roll-off or truck) lined with double 6-mil plastic sheeting with PET sheeting completely closed over the material and sealed once the container is loaded.
    • Ash and debris must then be disposed of at an approved landfill. Please see attachment to permit card for a list of the approved landfills.
    • You must contact the landfill before you want to dispose your items, and you must have your Hauler’s License in order to do so.
    • Materials that are to be sorted for recycling must meet any State or County guidelines and be generally free of ash and debris.

Permit Closeout Options

  • Rebuilding immediately: If a property owner intends to build on the property within 180 days, a temporary construction fence may be installed around the perimeter of the property during this interim period, and all erosion and sediment control measures must be in place. Permit holder must schedule an inspection through the IVR system to approve the interim condition. A final inspection will be required as a condition of issuing the building permit for reconstruction. If the property owners decide to not rebuild immediately, the site must be restored to the standards in the following sections and final inspection requested.
  • Not rebuilding immediately: To close out the debris removal/site clean-up permit if a permit for the reconstruction will not be issued within 180 days, excavated areas must be backfilled and the site graded to a natural grade, areas of disturbed soil must be seeded and stabilized, and all erosion and sediment control must be in place until the vegetation is at least 70% established.

Permit Inspections and Documentation

All site clean-up permits will be required to be closed out prior to the issuance of any rebuilding permits on the property. In order to close out your site clean-up permit, you must pass the following inspections:

  • Utility capping inspection to verify that utilities have been safely disconnected. Contact the Health Department at 303-441-1564 for questions on proper abandonment of the septic system.
    • Schedule this through the IVR system at 303-441-3925, option 1. You will need the BP# from your permit, ex. BP-22-XXXX, please use inspection code #49, and indicate that the inspection is for utility capping. *Do not end the inspection request call until you have received a confirmation number, otherwise the inspection will not get scheduled.
  • Final Inspection
    • Schedule this through the IVR system at 303-441-3925, option 1. You will need the BP# from your permit, ex. BP-22-XXXX, please use inspection code #69. *Do not end the inspection request call until you have received a confirmation number, otherwise the inspection will not get scheduled.
    • Confirmation that the foundation is removed, the site is cleaned up of all ash/debris and that either fencing is around the open hole or graded to a natural grade and stabilized, seeded and erosion and sediment control is installed, depending on if property owners will or will not be rebuilding immediately (per the above options).

Contact Us

Recovery and Resiliency

Recovery and Resiliency Division Manager
Michelle Stinnett

Recovery and Resiliency Program Manager
Katie Arrington


Downtown Boulder
1325 Pearl St.
Boulder, CO 80302
Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Monday – Friday
Map and Directions