What will happen during my first appointment with my Career Support Specialist?
- Get to know each other!
- Take assessments (academic, career, interests, etc.)
- Go over paperwork
- Talk about your goals
- Create a plan specific to your needs and goals
How often will we meet?
You and your Career Support Specialist will design a meeting or “check-in” schedule, agreement and format that works for both of you. To reach the most success in the program, you and your Career Support Specialist will meet a minimum of one time per month.
What does my ongoing participation look like?
Participation includes the following:
- Engaging in some activity related to your goals (workshops, appointments, tutoring, work experience, etc.
- Arriving on time for appointments
- Keeping us in the loop if something changes (phone number, address, career interest, childcare, anything!)
- Working in partnership with your Career Support Specialist
- Ongoing support and guidance from your Career Support Specialist
How long will I be in the program for?
This will depend on the individual’s unique needs. On average, people participate in the Young Adult program for 1–2 years.
I understand you can connect me with internships. What’s the benefit of an internship?
During an internship, participants receive training in specific job-related skills. You’ll also gain new skills to understand how the “work-world works” and learn how to create relationships with your co-workers, peers, and supervisor. Internships improve the participant’s confidence to pursue unique career goals and helps boost your resume plus gives you a reference. Plus, you are paid for your work!
Will I get an internship in the industry or job I want?
Maybe! Our role is to really know the jobs in our areas that are growing and can provide financial stability over the long haul. We want to set you up with the most success in your career. We will talk with you about what occupations are in-demand and how much they pay. We will uncover your interests, strengths and transferrable skills, and match that with growing jobs in the Boulder County area.
Are you going to place me in a job?
Workforce Boulder County is not a ‘job placement’ organization, so we do not place people in jobs. Instead, we will empower and support you in learning how to find and apply for jobs that are “in-demand” in Boulder County. Career Support Specialists are in-the-know about growing industries or occupations. We stay abreast of local employment trends to offer current, relevant information and guidance to young adults. Career Support Specialists introduce young adults to the ways to get to know the growing and available jobs in our area, such as LMI Gateway, O*Net Online, Virtual Job Shadow, and more. Our philosophy is to coach you on how to find jobs, advocate for yourself, and land a job in a field that will be sustainable over time.
How can you help me with post-secondary education or applying for college?
Career Support Specialists offer ongoing, one-on-one assistance with college admission applications, filling out financial aid applications (FAFSA and other scholarships/grants), and connections to available educational programs. We are dedicated to helping clients make decisions that best align with where they are now and where they want to grow. We will explain the differences between and the pros/cons of associates degrees, bachelor’s degrees, and certification trainings.
Once I turn 24, am I kicked out of the program?
No. Once you’re in the program, you can keep utilizing our services in the Young Adult program should you chose to do so.