Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Event Calendar
PAST EVENT: This event has already occured.

Todo Acerca de Credito


  1. Todo Acerca de Credito - Virtual, 1.5 hours

En esta clase Ud. aprenderá el concepto de la palabra crédito. Comprenderá los componentes de su historial crediticio y como establecer y mantener un buen crédito, al igual que los beneficios de obtenerlo. Preguntas: Por favor llame al (720) 926-7599 Email:

Marque aqui para Financial Workshops en Español

Event Details

Start dateMay 23, 2023 4:00 pmEnd dateMay 23, 2023 5:30 pmCalendarWfBC Events and WorkshopsGoogle Calendar

Organizer Details

OrganizerWorkforce Boulder County


VenueVirtual via Teams