Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Event Calendar
PAST EVENT: This event has already occured.

PUBLIC HEARING: County Attorney’s Office: 2023 Ballot Measures


PUBLIC HEARING: County Attorney’s Office: 2023 Ballot Measures

(Staff Contact: Carrie Doyle) (Hybrid: In-Person and Zoom Webinar)

Item No. 1: Resolution 2023-068: A resolution describing a proposal to extend for fifteen years the existing 0.05% countywide sales and use tax for the purpose of acquiring, improving, managing, and maintaining open space lands and other open space property interests. ACTION REQUESTED: Adoption and Signature

Item No. 2: Resolution 2023-069: A resolution approving a ballot title for the November 7, 2023, general election to extend for fifteen (15) years the existing 0.05% countywide open space sales and use tax for the purpose of acquiring, improving, managing, and maintaining open space lands and other open space property interests.
ACTION REQUESTED: Adoption and Signature

Item No. 3: Resolution 2023-070: A resolution describing a proposal to extend for fifteen years the existing 0.185% countywide sales and use tax for the purposes of funding existing and additional affordable housing and supportive services for people residing in or eligible for affordable housing within Boulder County.
ACTION REQUESTED: Adoption and Signature

Item No. 4: Resolution 2023-071: A resolution approving a ballot title for the November 7, 2023, general election to extend the existing 0.185% countywide sales and use tax for fifteen (15) years for the purposes of funding existing and additional affordable housing and supportive services for people residing in or eligible for affordable housing within Boulder County.
ACTION REQUESTED: Adoption and Signature

Item No. 5: (Board of County Commissioners sitting as the Nederland Eco Pass Public Improvement District) Nederland Eco Pass Public Improvement District Resolution 23-001: A resolution approving a proposal for a ballot issue for the November 2023 election to extend for ten years the District’s existing ad valorem property tax mill levy imposed at a rate not to exceed 1.85 mills for the purposes of paying the costs of providing a Regional Transportation District Eco Pass to all District residents; and to seek elector authorization for the District to administer an Eco Pass program for non-resident employees of employers operating within the District.
ACTION REQUESTED: Adoption and Signature

Item No. 6: (Board of County Commissioners sitting as the Nederland Eco Pass Public Improvement District) Resolution Nederland Eco Pass Public Improvement District Resolution 23-002: A resolution approving a ballot title for the November 7, 2023, general election to extend for ten years the District’s existing ad valorem property tax mill levy imposed at a rate not to exceed 1.85 mills for the purposes of paying the costs of providing a Regional Transportation District Eco Pass to all District residents; and to seek elector authorization for the District to administer an Eco Pass program for non-resident employees of employers operating within the District.
ACTION REQUESTED: Adoption and Signature

Event Details

Start dateAugust 17, 2023 9:00 amEnd dateAugust 17, 2023 10:00 amCalendarCounty Commissioners, Home PageGoogle Calendar

Organizer Details

OrganizerBoard of County


VenuesCommissioners' Hearing Room, Virtual via ZoomAddress1325 Pearl StreetCityBoulder

Commissioners' Hearing Room