Budgeting on a Small Income 1.5 hours, Virtual When money is tight and resources are limited, creating a ‘plan for spending’ might be the last thing on your mind. Creating... read more →
Informese para Endeudarse Sabiamente Virtual, 1.5 hours Conozca y comprenda los términos y condiciones asociados con los préstamos para que los mismos nos permitan alcanzar nuestros sueños financieros, sin necesidad... read more →
Credit Reporting, Know the Facts! 1.5 hours, Virtual Credit has a huge impact on our financial well-being yet many of us are confused on how credit works. This workshop unravels... read more →
Be Informed, Borrow Smart, Virtual, 1.5 hours While nobody likes to be in debt, most of us will enter into debt at some point in our lives, whether to pursue... read more →
Comprendiendo su Informe de Crédito - Virtual, 1.5 hours En esta clase Ud. aprenderá el concepto de la palabra crédito. Comprenderá los componentes de su historial crediticio y como establecer... read more →
Todo Acerca de Credito - Virtual, 1.5 hours En esta clase Ud. aprenderá el concepto de la palabra crédito. Comprenderá los componentes de su historial crediticio y como establecer y... read more →
Overcoming Difficult Work Histories – Virtual, 1.5 hours A bad boss, a toxic workplace, getting fired, burnout… it’s not just you. Many workers have had a difficult work experience that... read more →
Career Exploration, Virtual, 1.5 hours If you are unsure about your next career move this workshop is for you. The career assessment tools we offer will give you insights into... read more →
Introducing, Future of Work, a special workshop collaboration with Katherine Keegan, Director of the Office of the Future of Work with CDLE. The future of work may seem uncertain, scary,... read more →
Updating and Tailoring Your Resume, Virtual workshop - 1.5 hours It is recommended that you have a clear career direction before taking this class. Learn what the current trends are... read more →