Historic Preservation Advisory Board meetings are conducted virtually Historic Preservation Advisory Board Subcommittee Meeting, Monday, January 30, 2023 at 3 p.m. Virtual Meeting using Zoom [minti_button link="https://www.zoomgov.com/j/1603946244?pwd=L0hYaFJndnU4WUVKUE1mN3JNODdEQT09" size="large" target="_blank" lightbox="false"... read more →
Historic Preservation Advisory Board meetings are conducted virtually Historic Preservation Advisory Board (HPAB) Meeting, Thursday, February 2, 2023, at 6 p.m. Virtual Meeting using Zoom [minti_button link="https://www.zoomgov.com/j/1608200639?pwd=aXROWU9wTEp6ZUpXakRuaGpkMVp3UT09" size="large" target="_blank" lightbox="false"... read more →
Board of County Commissioners public hearings and meetings are convened in a hybrid format where attendees can join through Zoom or attend in-person at the Boulder County Courthouse, 3rd Floor,... read more →
Board of County Commissioners public hearings and meetings are convened in a hybrid format where attendees can join through Zoom or attend in-person at the Boulder County Courthouse, 3rd Floor,... read more →
Board of County Commissioners public hearings and meetings are convened in a hybrid format where attendees can join through Zoom or attend in-person at the Boulder County Courthouse, 3rd Floor,... read more →
Marshall Fire Community Meeting on Rebuilding in Unincorporated Boulder County – Wednesday, January 11, 2023 from 6-8 p.m. Meeting will focus on listening to impacted residents and identifying improvements. On... read more →
Board of County Commissioners public hearings and meetings are convened in a hybrid format where attendees can join through Zoom or attend in-person at the Boulder County Courthouse, 3rd Floor,... read more →
Board of County Commissioners public hearings and meetings are convened in a hybrid format where attendees can join through Zoom or attend in-person at the Boulder County Courthouse, 3rd Floor,... read more →
Board of County Commissioners public hearings and meetings are convened in a hybrid format where attendees can join through Zoom or attend in-person at the Boulder County Courthouse, 3rd Floor,... read more →
Due to COVID-19 concerns Board of County Commissioner (BOCC) meetings are being held virtually Board of County Commissioners Public Meeting - Thursday, Dec. 10, 2020 at 4 p.m. Community Planning... read more →